Funny Herp related stories

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I travel back to Sydney every weekend by train.
As I have some pythons at home and I feed fresh killed, I took back a chinese food container of mice to feed my pythons.
On the trip, I had my bag next to me on the seat ( trains to Sydney on sunday afternoon are pretty empty) with the mice on the top of the bag so they could have air.
I fell asleep and when I woke up about an hour later they had chewed their way out of the container. So out of 6 mice , one remained, never to be seen again.
Well the only thing i can think of is the other day i had just finished eating beef lunchen when i saw that it was time to feed my shingleback some lettuce but because i had the smell of beef on my finger he went for that instead of the lettuce luckly it was a slow motion bite.
i had two containers of pin heads in my new car some how the lids came off on the way home and i swear there still in there maybe in afew weeks i will not have to go to the pet shop i can just get them out of my car
My worst was I had just bought about 4 boxes of large woodies to add to my breeding colony of woodies. I tipped them all in and started to do some other stuff. When I was done I had forgotten the lid, went to walk out of the room, tripped a little and kicked the whole box of woodies out in my room... there was a large amount of the previous colony still in there but the startled new ones went everywhere.. I spent ages collecting them but for sure I couldn't find them all ;) Try sleeping when you feel a roach on your foot every now and then haha
Lesson learned...

nothing is a bad as a woodie crawling over your face in middle of the night .haha sleep tight
My turtle Crush, I have many stories about him.

When I first started uni I lived on campus. Took my tiny baby turtle with me, of course, and his tank was on the flood beside my desk. Sitting studying at the desk one day, I could hear a lot of bumping around in the tank, as he often did, so I didn't pay too much attention. Eventually I did look down, to find him hanging upsidedowm from the frame of his UV light, which sat about a foot above the water. As I looked over, he craned his neck to look up at me, I could swear he grinned, and then he let go and plopped backwards into the water. I quickly checked his feet for burns, and he was fine, and I still have no idea how he managed to get up there!

Another day, sitting at that same desk, with my phone sitting there beside me, it began to ring. On silent, it vibrated itself right off the desk and down into his tank. I missed the call.

Last year, my 4th year of uni, he lived in a 4ft tank in my lounge room. I bought him some feeder fish one day, and released them all into the tank. Usually live fish are far too fast for him to catch, so I just put them in there and let them breed, and fish out and kill any as I wanted to feed them to him. This day I released about 20, and he promptly started catching one after the other, and goring himself like mad. Worried he would eat too much, I caught him, waited for him to swallow what was in his mouth underwater, then pulled him out of the tank so that he would stop eating. He straight away vomited the entire lot of freshly bought, and now dead, fish, all over me. Figuring that was done, I put him back in and went to clean myself up. When I came back, he was busy catching all the rest of the fish in the tank, so I caught him up again, pulled him out, and the promptly brought them all back up all over me again.
I stuck him in his travelling box for an hour, to think about what he'd done.
After that, he went back to being unable to catch live fish.

Whenever I fed him prawns, or something disgustingly messy, I'd put him in a seperate feeding tank, so he didn't foul up the main tank too much, and make cleaning easier. On one of these occasions, I fed him some prawn meat. After he'd finished the main chunk, he went around hoovering up all the left over bits off the bottom of the feeding tank. There was a bit of white gravel in the bottom. He picked up one white rock in his mouth, and, realising it wasn't prawn, spat it out. He continued to hoover, and eventually picked up a second rock, my friend and I sat and watched, expecting him to spit it out. It disappeared. We panicked! the rock was half the size of his head, big enough to fit down his mouth, but far too big to come out the other end. I cleaned out the feeding tank, removed all gravel, and left him in there for a few days, to see if he pooed. After a week of keeping a close eye on him, and no poo. I took him to the vets. The vet said to wait a while longer, as the rock may be of the type that will break up inside him, and he may pass it in a few days. Bring him back in another week if nothing had happened. At 6 days he began squeezing his eyes tightly shut all the time, like he was trying to push something out. He went back to the vet the next day, to be x-rayed. The x-rays showed nothing, so the vet sent me home again to get a rock of the same type Crush had eaten. We x-rayed that, and it showed up, so that clearly wasn't the problem. The vet concluded that it had indeed broken up inside up, but that the bits must have blocked something. Poor Crush had to have a little turtle enema. It flushed him out, and he continued to poop nicely for the next few days :)

I have many stories about him, he was a most enteratining little turtle. His favourite pasttime was to sit on the couch and watch tv with us. Unfortunately he died last year, of a multi-drug resistant bacterial infection. Rest In Peace little man.

Haha were where you travelling from I work for RailCorp as a Fitter fixing the trains at flemington. If it was a train with green seats(V set) I will let you know if they turn up lol. Although that wouldn't be the strangest thing found on trains.
haha Yeah it was an intercity train with green
Once in the middle of the night I woke up feeling something crawling up my thigh, thought it was a spider. I threw the sheets back ready to squish it when I realized that it felt cold and wet... Turned on my bedside lamp and it turned out to be my green tree frog looking up at me! He had pushed the lid off his tank, jumped down onto the floor from the mantlepiece ( a good 5 - 5 1/2 foot drop!) then somehow crawled up into my bed. Thank goodness he did get in with me though, if he didn't then I never would have found him!
non_herp though me & my neighbourhood friends saw some ferral kittens and we all want one as a pet so we where about 9 years old and we set about tring to catch them.
I went and got my next door neighbours little brother's butterfly net catcher we went down to the creek & we plan it good one of us came from behind & the cats ran straight for me i put the net out and put it straight in front of it her.I got her i yell & everyone fellover lol execpt my neighbours little brother who came over crying cause the kitten went straight through the net.
so a old lady said try and feed them build up there trust so we did for about a week and the closes we got was about 5 metres. We had given up we gave them the last can of cat food we had.
the next day we went down there and the black cat that ran through the net had it's head in the can of cat food so ithough it was along way from where i had put it so i kreepped right up to it and got it and we could not figure how come it was so easy to catch
It had its head stuck there haha
so we called her lucky.
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