Gecko Pics

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I only have two youngens left, no mature geckos. They are garden variety as babies and show no promise but after about 3 months, they just colour up really quickly.

Here's some photos of progression from hatching to maturation of the animal shown above.
As you can see...nothing special as babies..

Anyway, heres some photos of the two babies I have sitting here now..
Great pics mate :) now I can't wait to breed this season.
OOOOH... THEY HAVE CHANGED SO MUCH! Mine are quite a bit brighter than that as babies....... im sure mine will dull down with age hahaha
Great looking hatchies Jay.
It will be great to see how they turn out in a couple of month`s.
Great looking hatchies Jay.
It will be great to see how they turn out in a couple of month`s.

Thanks Jimmy! I am still to get some good shots of the little Divas...... i will do my best, they are constantly strutting around as if they are on the catwalk!
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