Spotted python feeding schedule

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Not so new Member
Sep 15, 2022
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I have a question...

is it okay if my snakes feeding schedule isn't like REALLY organised?

I always feed him (One fuzzie) on a Tuesday but sometimes I feed him once every week, and sometimes I feed him every two weeks (I have an extremely bad memory and a tendency to forget things so sometimes I miss his feeding day, and so I wait another week to stay true to the tuesday schedule, don't worry I set alarms)

he is about a year and 7 months, but he is very small as the pet shop didn't feed him enough he's only maybe 50cm? Havent measured him properly.

If this is dangerous I will stop immediately but I've heard that the frequency in which you feed your snake depends if you want them to grow, which I do.

Any help would be extremely helpful!
I feed my adultswhen I want to watch them eat (unless I’m fattening them up for the breeding season) which could be once a month, twice a fortnight, once every few months, who knows, I don’t hVe a plan
I try and feed my spots every weekend but this doesn't always happen, due to sheds or bad moods or whatever. To miss a feed isn't really important as they wont get fed regularly in the wild.
BUT are you feeding the appropriate size ? Does he have a bulge after feeding ?
I have a 6 month old Pygmy Banded Python (much smaller than a spot) who gets a fuzzie a week