Giant Squid Photographed

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The video footage wasn't wonderful.. but as per usual... the squid died because it was caught...

Japanese scientist... Looks good, ahhhh look goood... Does something interesting... ahhhh does somfing intlesting... But does it taste good? That's the real science!

Don't really care much for Japanese conservation methods... A seven metre female squid... That could have produced 1000s of babies... But nah...

Sorry to deaden what could have been a very interesting vid and fact link... But I am horrifically dissapointed :(
Sorry to deaden what could have been a very interesting vid and fact link... But I am horrifically dissapointed :(

Don't be sorry I totally agree. I saw the story on Nine MSN and then felt sick to my stomach after reading it. It's almost like "Hey isn't that animal amazing..... quick take a video and lets catch it!" ..............."Oh well, it died during research , LET EAT IT"
"mmmmmmm, I think we need to study this specis to extinction"
well you cant blame them they wreck everything and they need to capture things like that because they cant see it under the water like peoples of other nations can (not saying why)

|D "ahh goo sun you caugh goo foo"
"The female squid, which measured about seven metres long, died while it was subsequently being caught." Died while being caught?! What were they doing??? I don't even wanna know.. I am surprised that this information made it to the media. There should be a law about the size of giant squid allowed to be caught, just like there is for fish. A young female squid shouldn't have been touched... I mean yeah it's "for science" but the point of catching one is to study it alive so they should put a bit more effort into reasearching safer trapping methods, before trying to research the animal IMO

Good video, thanks for sharing Hsut77.
Racism seemingly abounds here. Simple point that these deep sea animals come to the surface apparently to die. Not a single one has survived. Just because they did catch it, it is stupid to say that it dies purely because of that.
OMG take a tea spoon of concrete and harden up! So what a squid died, how else are they gonna find out what it will feed on etc. There is only so much you can learn from watching video footage and studying peices of dead animals.
I wonder if they have somewhere to put the squid when they do catch it? and how the heck would they get it from the deepest depths of the ocean to this massive tank they have hidden somewhere?
Maybe they were thinking they'd just net it and (hopefully slowly) drag it to the surface and then figure out what to do with it later...
I would imagine that even a young giant squid would need a much larger livingspace than any dolphin or whale.. the sheer size of the animal, let alone it's speed would require a tank of insane proportions. Not to mention they would want to at least keep it darkened (if not pressurised as well) so that the giant squid would feel less vulnerable, more like in its natural environment and not stress out, which is probably half the reason why they die in the first place.

How pathetic! Why on EARTH did they NEED to capture it? For goodness sake... they killed it..and then went..uh probably just untangled their nets or line or whatever and just let it float away and went out searching for another one.
OMG take a tea spoon of concrete and harden up! So what a squid died, how else are they gonna find out what it will feed on etc. There is only so much you can learn from watching video footage and studying peices of dead animals.

Ahhh Look at the stomachs of the one that have been found washed up, or cut out of the stomach of the whales they murder......maybe........

What is disturbing is that this is the 1st giant squid ever filmed, and now it is dead, I wonder if it will be like the Tasmainian Tiger footage we see all the time.
Ur probably right Penny, they would have spent thousands of dollars on an exploration to find a giant squid and once they caught it thought "Ummm.... Now what do we do with it?"

As far as i am aware they have the worlds largest aquarium that is actually so big they keep whale sharks. So i don't think they would have had any big issues of housing it. Speaking of housings needing to be exactly like the natural habitat... how are your snakes housed? Do they have an entire bushland to raom around? Do you leave them alone during the day considering they are nocturnal?

C'mon people, don't be so pedantic. Would you say the same things if it were and Aussie expedition?
Ahhh Look at the stomachs of the one that have been found washed up, or cut out of the stomach of the whales they murder......maybe........

What is disturbing is that this is the 1st giant squid ever filmed, and now it is dead, I wonder if it will be like the Tasmainian Tiger footage we see all the time.

You know what, you have just changed my mind. I'm gonna start a green group to promote the protection of the giant squid. I will call it THESPA! The Squid Protection Agency!
I Giant squid would not survive in a aquarium unless it was pressurized, its the same reason those sharks died the other day, they're bodies aren't designed for lower pressure at the surface.

Also if giant squid are like every other member of the squid family, the females die after laying eggs, they have several hearts that just fail after breeding.

I don't agree with killing animals for research however it goes on everyday, even with reptile studies in australia. Its part of science.

Good thing about the giant squid is they are no way indangered. They live at too far a depths and in to many different oceans to be in threat from man, YET.

Anyway my two bobbs worth.
Every one of you racist fools would be cheering steve irwin on for chasing down and catching a strange and unusual animal. hypocrites.

penny, studying somehting in a captive environment will really not show much about the things that needs to be known. And if they dont know enough about it, then the chances of making good husbandry decisions will probably mean that it would die anyway.

I am so sick of greenies.
C'mon people, don't be so pedantic. Would you say the same things if it were and Aussie expedition?

If it was an Aussie expedition I would be twice as appalled.

Hey since it's just a squid, chop it up have a look at it and throw it away. We may just learn that it eats fish WOW shock horror.

Also I hear bushmeat is pretty nice, fancy a plate of Gorilla or Chimp. No lead in the pencil, how bout some Tiger scrotum? No, well you might just want to settle for a nice Sun Bear rug to keep you warm in your ignorance. No? why not? ahhhhhh They are Furry, cute as babies, not a huge slimy prehistoric creature. We know they exist so why do we need to catch them? Conservation is not just being concerned about the cute ,fluffy nice animals.
Every one of you racist fools would be cheering steve irwin on for chasing down and catching a strange and unusual animal. hypocrites.
Steve Irwin wasnt known for killing the animals he caught

The fact of the matter is, our oceans are in a pretty bad state and the pointless hunting of endangered animals is definatly not helping.
I completly agree Hsut

There is almost no reason watsoever to catch these animals.
but there is no data that the squid was intentionally killed either, so your point is moot. The japanese and pro whaling groups want a return to the hunting of specific species of whale. Not all whales are endangered, and so therefore the green idiots from green peace and sea shepherd are actually making the situation. It should be interesting to note that very few japanese people actually eat whale meat. The whaling issue is not discussed in japan at all and there is no media coverage. This is the companies, not the japanese people who are causing the problem.

Arrogant, very arrogant to call this a hunting of endangered animals grimbeny, a single animal captured for research may eventually help to save the squid from extinction if the exact ecological niche that it fulfils can be discovered.

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