Got bad news today, just sharing it with the dog lovers out there

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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Today i found out that the tumour taken out of my dog last Monday is a highly malignant adenosarcoma. My vet couldn't take decent margins because of the area it came out of (where the left anal glad should be for those interested, anal gland had been removed earlier this year because of a fibrous growth) and it didn't just scoop out nicely like she had hoped it would. Chest rads showed nothing yet so we're unsure about metastisis, but i'm getting a referral to a specialist for next week hopefully and we'll see if ultrasound shows anything.

Anyway, bit of a kick in the guts after a really rough year. This dog is my best mate, i'm absolutely confident in saying that she's helped pull me through some really bad times in my life. I hope i can make the rest of hers comfortable given the circumstances.

To the dogs, passed and present, that make our lives complete. kookas and dogs 021.jpgrecent photos for facey 200.jpgshiona's camera dec 2007 018.jpgrecent photos for facey 184.jpg
That is really lovely shoo shoo. I for one know how much you can love your dogs.
Even after two years I cannot think about her without tears welling in my eyes.
Lovely to see you making her life as nice as possible.
Good luck to your precious fur baby Shoo .............. It's never easy when they're not well, worse when its something serious.

Prayers and healing blessings coming your way. Good luck, to both of you.
Hopefully there is something that the specialist can do. Dogs are strong animals, I hope that she can have at least a few more years with you. Best of luck.
fingers and toes crossed for her
Dogs are very close to my heart...................keep us up to date with her progress.
Good luck Shoo, I was in a similar situation last year so I know how it feels. All the best.
Sorry to hear, unfortunately life is limited for everyone, just make sure you make the best of the time you have. Keep her happy as possible and stay positive as much as possible. Without bad times you wouldnt notice the good. Hope things go well.
Hope it turns out better than it sounds it will, good luck.
awwwwwwwww Shoo shoo ,I have lost my good 4 legged mates in the past ,some before their time ...and it is NEVER an easy thing ...all the best in the time you have left with her and know that although she may not be able to tell you in words that she loves and appreciates all you have had with her ,you can see it in their eyes ...look deep into her eyes shoo and feel it ...its all there ..xxxxxxx
That's so sad to hear Shoo, I know I would not cope should anything happen to my baby. Good on you for keeping her as comfortable and happy as possible, as long as she has your love and time that's all they'll ever really want and cherish. My bro's got a sheltie who shares the yard with my baby and your girl reminds me so much of him. Here's a few pics for you:

Not good news... dogs are a major part of our lives too, (just had 2 Jacks and a pitbull romping on our bed this morning!) and it's always an awful thing when they get old or sick. They give so much and ask so little in return... it never seems fair.

Good luck with it shooshoo...

Dogs are a part of our soul and they know it, that is why we feel so connected to them, they never leave your heart.
You are a beautiful caring lady doing what you know best for your beautiful dog
Sandee :)
Just reading all these comments floods me with memories of all the dogs that I have loved and lost, tears welling up at this very moment. They are such majestic creatures and yes our biggest supporters when times are tough. I wish you both peace, strength and love to get you through this.
My Kacey girl was my best friend through my teenage years... she passed away at just 12 years old just last year and I was beside myself. And boy did she get me through some rough times. I understand how you feel. Best wishes... I hope that you get the best news possible. I havent owned a dog since my girl died, I gave away all my breeding dogs, she was my heart!
Thank you all so much for your kind words. I know everyone has been through this same situation or worse with pets or family and i appreciate you sharing your experiences. I have been lucky in that i have never had to experience the loss of family or a dog yet but now that i am facing it i'm trying to be philosophical about the whole thing.

I always thought that she would just slowly wind down with old age and she would let me know when she was ready, and i would let her go peacefully when the time came. She's only 11 this year though, i always thought i would have at least another few years with her.

I adore her, she is my world, we go on holiday together and when i am apart from her or overseas i always wonder if she is okay without me. Whenever i catch her eyes i know she is wondering what i'm doing (and not patting her instead!) and when she is lying happily nearby as i do my housework i know she is just waiting to jump to her feet and follow me to the next job. Whenever i am paying attention to my snakes, the rodents, or one of my other hobbies she will always try to butt in and see what's going on. In the past when i have raised baby rats for pets she has always let them crawl all over her and even treats them like little pups. She has always been the mumma dog in the house, our other dogs were always treated like her own puppies with her cleaning their faces and putting them back in line when they were naughty.

We can lay for hours in the sun while i brush her coat, she loves to fall asleep while i make her look her best. Except when it's bath day of course, she always mysteriously dissappears whenever it's time for a bath...

Oh my funny little old lady, what am i going to do without you? I have no idea how long she has left yet, she is still in good health and spirits as always but i guess we'll have to play it by ear.

I have always wanted to get a tattoo of her or her name, now is the time i guess. Her name is Stardust (but everyone just calls her Star) so i am thinking of getting the outline of a little star (or the 'stardust' around the star, get me?) done behind my right ear. Possible also the phrase Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero somewhere. Anyone with ink here know if you can get gold/ish tattoo ink?

As for all the advice on making the best of what time we have left, of course! We all know the tragedy that is the short life of a dog, i have every intention of spending what time i can doing everything we love. There will be many days spent at various dog beaches this summer i think!
recent photos for facey 149.jpgme thank to jay 066.jpg008.jpg

Now, not that i support PETA but i was sent this link not two weeks ago, timing eh? Seize the Day! | i think it's a good read to make people appreciate what they've got at the time.
So someone who shall remain nameless decided to take her elizabethan collar off on Monday morning without telling me and didn't bother to put it back on when they went out to work. I got out of the shower to find she had ripped all her external sutures and the drain out and opened everything up again. Off the day vet while on my way to work for hospital stay so they could local her butt and fix her up again. One more vet bill to add to the pile for the insurance claim, sigh. Turns out it's healing a lot slower than normal which all points towards the nature of the adenosarcoma tissue. Did finally get the refferal to the Oncology Specialist at VSS at Underwood, appointment for next week hopefully. Anyone else had experience with this sort of tumor? I'm just trying to figure out my options in terms of what could be done, and what should be done given than she is already an old girl and i don't want to put her through too much for my own selfish ends.
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