Greebos snake op

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Fantastic news Groobs old boy :) I'm happy for both you and Nelly. Hope the feeding goes well for you buddy :) Great Vet by the sounds of it
Fantastic result! And that's an amazing price - I thought surgery of any type would come to more than that, and including a couple visits and meds... Great news mate, good luck with the feeding :)
Thanks guys.
I have been pretty stressed out as I thought she was a goner.
The vets name is Tony Gestier, he is with Vetafarm here in Wagga.
I think he liaises with Terri Belamy...not 100% sure about that.
Hopefully she will pull through.
I hope so Grebs. Nothing is worst then taking care about animal for long time, watch it grow and after all this to loose it.
BS, what the hell has that got to do with anything? The fact is a member here at APS has a sick snake so a little compassion wouldn't go astray mate !
just telling slatey that he bought an adult not a hatchie fishpoojabber
That was just misunderstanding Brendan. Me and Africa we are toooo old and sometimes bit slower than you young guys.
he only ment he knew that was but not sure what it was that he thought he read he did not mean to be acrimonious or point any fingers only so hope there is no hard feelings some times it hard to understand peeps when they donut use proper grammar
Lol :lol: Good to see you are in good spirits Greebo and hope all is going well with snakey.
Nelly seems to have a runny nose and is breathing through her mouth. I don't know if this a side effect of the worming (perhaps) or something else that is not good.
I will give the vet a call in the morning to see if it is serious or not.
I hope the breathing through the mouth turns out to be o.k. I had a water python who was doing this. I took him to the vet and he had a respiratory infection - i hope your girl doesn't have this.
I think that is enough bad luck for Greebs for a long time.
Mate i hope eveything works out for snakey and hope you have nothing but good luck for a while.(good luck including the bad breathing turns out to be nothing)
Good luck Breebs
Would you believe that the runny nose had cleared up this morning? I rang up the vet and he said to bring her in if it comes back. Am I right in assuming a snake can not eat with a blocked nostrils?It has to breathe somehow , right?
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