Hallandale Beach Alligator Processor Turns Pythons from the Everglades into Leather P

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poor toads
haha, being from England you may not be aware of the devastation caused by cane toads in Australia. A feral animal that is also poisonous to a large number of native predators.
Sure the whole golf club thing might be contrued as cruel, but to be honest, I have little sympathy for them being killed by whatever means work.
haha, being from England you may not be aware of the devastation caused by cane toads in Australia. A feral animal that is also poisonous to a large number of native predators.
Sure the whole golf club thing might be contrued as cruel, but to be honest, I have little sympathy for them being killed by whatever means work.


As for this thread, I believe the process carried out in order to get the leather is gross and cruel, although the fact that they do it is not. Putting good use to a 'pest'.

I think if we could do the same with cane toads then a lot of you would be "Wow! Yay!" as long as it didnt involve the beheading of them whilst they are photographed and stressed.
These "pests"....toads, snakes or whatever....can't help being what they are...they don't know they are "pests" or unwanted. If they must be culled....surely it should be done in a human way, no matter what the creature is.
I hate seeing animals killed, I hate hearing people laughing about hitting cane toads with golf clubs and I hate hearing how we kill quite literally millions of kangaroos every year but I do not object to feral animals being killed quickly and humanely. I have killed 1000's of cane toads myself but take no pleasure in doing it. I think when they say the head 'lives' for 30 minutes they are using the term loosely, it's nerves obviously still seem to function but I doubt there is any life in the head.
Nothing like a good game of 'toad ' in the hole ....I dont agree with cruelty ever ..and I dont wack them with golf clubs ...you can kill them easy enough without getting ya rocks off from it ...
I'm gonna release my 2 pairs in the forest up here, that way in 20 years I can start up my own leather processing plant!
I don't like the way they're killing them. It should be via carbon dioxide, imo. I hate cruelty! Look at the poor thing! It knows what's coming!
Nice to see you back on Magpie, your avatar picture hints to me why you have been away for so long... been to thailand of late?
You don't need to release anything up there, just put a rodent shed in your backyard and you will have enough snakes to keep you buisy skinning all day.
Maybe they should release cane toads into the Everglades? that would surely fix the snake problem.
That is disgusting! feral animal or not, no animal deserves to be held down, then paraded around in front of everyone before having its head cut off. And to be made into such a big deal, photos being taken, people watching. poor snake was prob so stressed out. if i went out and found a massive python and thought hmm dont want this big fella having babies and eating wildlife, better chop his head off. i would be ripped to shreads, but still people make jokes and think this article is funny. Not trying to have a go at anyone, it just *******s me that people of higher power cant produce an acceptable plan for problem animals released into the wild , to be humanely dealt with not slaughtered by people who dont look like they know what they are doing and probably only seeking profit out of all this. ahh sorry but articles like this just make me so angry.
i agree with you 100%Tayla152girl
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I think when they say the head 'lives' for 30 minutes they are using the term loosely, it's nerves obviously still seem to function but I doubt there is any life in the head.
I have arrived on a callout where the snake had been beheaded just before i got there.

While the neves are still active in the body, the head is aware of whats going on around it
and capable of wacthing everything.

I watched the head of the snake as the body was moved away from it.

The eyes followed the movement and when the head was approached, it opened its mouth and
in a final gesture of defiance,managed a hiss at the would be attacker..

Everyday i have to try to explain this to different people.

It has been well documented that snakes, because of their anatomy,do not die immediatly from decapitation.

Jason got it right when he said the a$$ hole in the pic should use the other side of the axe and smash its head.

But i spose then they couldnt make a cute novelty keychain or belt buckle ect out of it if it was all smashed.
I have arrived on a callout where the snake had been beheaded just before i got there.

While the neves are still active in the body, the head is aware of whats going on around it
and capable of wacthing everything.

I watched the head of the snake as the body was moved away from it.

The eyes followed the movement and when the head was approached, it opened its mouth and
in a final gesture of defiance,managed a hiss at the would be attacker..

Everyday i have to try to explain this to different people.

It has been well documented that snakes, because of their anatomy,do not die immediatly from decapitation.

Jason got it right when he said the a$$ hole in the pic should use the other side of the axe and smash its head.

But i spose then they couldnt make a cute novelty keychain or belt buckle ect out of it if it was all smashed.
gosh i really didnt know that :shock: make s me feel sick thinking about this :x poor snake s :cry::cry:
Nice to see you back on Magpie, your avatar picture hints to me why you have been away for so long... been to thailand of late?
You don't need to release anything up there, just put a rodent shed in your backyard and you will have enough snakes to keep you buisy skinning all day.

I look good eh?
Plenty of scrubbies in the yard at the moment, we have ducks and chooks now, usually 3 or 4 out there every night.
Even lost a duck mid-day just recently.
They guy holding the head is keen !!!!
Swinging that small axe looks dangerous...............:lol:
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