Having wisdom teeth out-what to expect?

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I also recall being told to try and not get food in the holes and so, i stupidly bought a chicko roll and while I was at Penny's house, it took me about 2hrs to finish it after i was nibbling on it LOL.

Good times, cant remember how much it was - mum paid lol

ahahah that's great :D
its reall not too bad. everyone heals differently though. I had all 5 of mine out, thats right 5 :S and had no issues. only had to eat mush for a day or so.
Got all 4 out under general when I was 19.. woke up crying.. nurse told me I would make an emotional drunk :?

I only had a little bit of pain but was very numb and tried eating yoghurt and ended up with it all down my face :oops:

You'll be ok.. the first couple of days you might have some bruising/swelling etc just wrap an ice pack around your face. Actually felt worse when taking the REALLY strong pain killers so stuck with the standard ones. Everyone is different though but I hope you dont have too much pain!!
I suppose it depends how bad they are, but with mine there was ALOT of pain.
I had mine done about a year and a half ago...It was under a local, which part of it didn't take properly and half way through they had to give me more.
Mine were caught right under my jaw, so I had it pretty bad.
My face was swollen for a few weeks and I ended up with lock jaw...
My son was upset the whole time cause he knew something was wrong with mum.
I'm in the same boat as you, I have to get all 4 removed, but they haven't even started to come through yet, but mine are growing horizontally!

My mate had his out 2yrs ago, and a doc he knows told him 2 days before the op, start taking panadol every 4 hrs no matter what. It's not an anti-inflamitory, but he says it works wonders. My mate did that, had the op on a Thurs, he was back at work by the Monday.

I hope it all goes well for you :) Once they're out, no more pain for a while!!
Good Luck.

I had all 4 removed under a general. Had to get a bit of my jaw cut away so they could get the little buggers out. I threw up in recovery, a very common reaction to the anaesthetic apparently. The only pain relief I got was Panadeine Forte. Why didn't I get morphine?! Ripped off!! I was very swollen and bruised, but managed to eat steak 2 days later (cut into small pieces of course). The important thing I remember, was rinsing and gargling with mouthwash. Gets a bit stinky after a few days of not being able to brush your teeth! Overall, it wasn't too bad. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Hint: I was told to take some cold packs and a teatowel to hold against my face on the way home. This helps with the swelling and bruising.
had mine out under general. first one was ok no problems but the second one I was sooo sick! Any idea how hard it is to vomit with stitches in your mouth :eek: not pretty ......
Don't stress about it. I have all four of mine out, as well as an extra tooth (supernumerary located in my gum above my two front teeth) under a general anesthetic. I was fine - just make sure you don't fall asleep on your side! I fell asleep with my head on the side the day after and I woke up with a black eye. You'll be fine.
Ive heard its not fun when they have to cut them out in hospital..you will probably be all bruised for awhile, pain pain and more pain..ive had mine out, BUT they were not under the gum so i just had local anesthetic and got them pulled..its painful after but heels fast.
Just dope up on drugs and youll be sweet. ;)
I was in the same situation as Buck. The worst bit for me was when i woke up with a mouth full of blood but my lips were too numb to spit :lol: For a couple of weeks all my remaining teeth were sensitive to cold and would ache first thing in the morning but it was nothing i couldnt handle.

Brushing sucked, im pretty ham fisted and brushed the open wounds a few times but other than that it was ok.
had mine out under general. first one was ok no problems but the second one I was sooo sick! Any idea how hard it is to vomit with stitches in your mouth :eek: not pretty ......

Why do you vomit? Was it the effects of the anesthetic or from the pain?
Now I am really scared!!!
You vomit from the anaesthetic, and because you've swallowed some blood. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
My wife had hers out and they grew back! Apparently she's got some rare disorder whereby extra teeth bud off from the jaw and pictures of her mouth where published in medical journals. She had to have an op under general to remove that part of the jaw from where they were growing.I brought her home and then a couple of hours later she was screaming in agony. To this day and two children, breast cancer treatment and reconstructive surgery later she still claims the pain of this experience was the worse she had experienced....

But then my wife is a medical freak. I'm sure you will be like my expereince. A bit of tooth breaking manipulation by the dentist under local, a bit of numbness then a nice meal a few hours later and a beer or two down the pub. Nothing to it really
:shock:What the....????
On second thoughts I might just keep the teeth....
Wow after reading all the different stories it's starting to worry me. When do they usually grow out and start becoming a problem? I'm 21, almost 22. Are mine just late or should I get it checked? Geez, not looking forward to it...

My experience...

Beginning of this year I had all my wisdom teeth taken out in hospital. Prior to this I have never given blood or had a blood test, and I was quite nervous and scared to go into hospital. Depending whether you are getting the general anesthetic (knocked out) - I dont know about you but I didnt wanna be awake for it :p
Anyway after operation I felt stiff, like I couldnt move my jar at all. The nurses give you a drink (usually lemonade). You may bleed after operation but is easily fixed with biting down on a bandage-like thing (Im sure the nurses will go through this with you). At first it was very hard to eat, jaw numb, couldnt "bite down" on things, so my diet for the first couple of days (2-4 days) was mainly custard, yoghurt, ice cream, or anything soft, however you are not allowed to eat anything "hot".
My pain killers were pretty awesome, but dont wait to receive the pain, take them regularly I was told by the doctor. Ummm, what else, I was very swollen in the face, but that was normal. The stitches in your mouth come out by themselves (if you got dissolving stitches, otherwise you got to go back into hospital to get them out), usually when you brush your teeth a couple of times. Which reminds me, you cannot brush your teeth until at least a week or whenevr you feel comfortable. I was given a strong mouth wash by the doctor (used after everytime you eat).
Well hopefully thats everything you need to know :)
Dont worry, I know exactly how youre feeling, but you will be fine!
Good luck! :p
This bloke wishes he had his out! ;)

ohh and they tilt you backwards so you'll more than likey have a bruise on your chest. this is so that the doc has easier access to them. don't worry they do that when your having a lovely snooze.
about a month ago i had all 4 removed in one go. Zero pain, just very uncomfortable. Get lots of yoghurt, soups, those tubbed deserts. I had to eat them for a good week. I was also very paranoid about infection so used an antibacterial mouth wash after i ate/drank anything. Honestly, the hardest thing was not being able to eat solid stuff. I caved in pretty early, and started getting fish cocktails etc and chewing them with my front teeth!
For a few weeks after the surgery, the tip of my tongue and parts of my lip/cheek was numb. Can apparently happen when the nerves are disturbed. It's all back to normal now though, it was no where near as bad as everyone was making out!
Also, i never ever had an issue with sensitive teeth with cold food. Now though, the teeth on the right side of my mouth are incredible sensitive to cold food. I hope that goes away sooner rather than later!
I had to go to hospital to have all 4 of mine cut out as they were growing into my other teeth along my jaws ,,, cut out and stitched up .... i think its luck of the draw as far as the amount of pain you have i was tender maybe for two days that's about it I don't remember having any real big issues it was more the stitches that drove me crazy ..... but that was done on the 23rd of December and i was good to go for Christmas lol ....
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