How do you report dead snake

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Just matter of interest,
If your snake die, what is proper procedure? Do you have to freeze the body and keep it, or call Nat. parks, or just report it in your book.
I was thinking about this when i read the post about unlicensed keeper.
You can dispose of dead reptiles by freezing, burying or taking to a vet to properly dispose of (poss costs involved), some people even like to have their pets cremated. Its a matter of personal choice. As far as i know, and correct me if im wrong, all you have to do is report the death in your book and you don't have to keep the body at all. I know I wouldn't want to keep a dead pet in the freezer :?
Yeah all you need do is write it up in your book.
hmmmm and here I am taking all my dead pythons to the taxodermists to be stuffed. lol :lol: :lol:
In Q.L.D you have to freeze em them take them to the museum because they are the one that gives you the licence
museum gives you your that a reptile licence? wonder why the museum wants all th dead bodies? weird...
nah i think they just need it for records
and the museum is a reptile museum thingy its for a part of brisbane only!
I have had the unfortunate experience of a snake dying while in my care.
Matt_011 you are totally wrong about sending it to the muesum as I had QP&W attending my house for a visit when I noticed the snake was dead after feeding it the day before, QP&W simply said note it your book as deceased and destroy the snake in any manner you see fit, so I buried in the backyard.
Agreed, Grant. You are wrong on that one, Matt. However, I believe what you are mistaking this for is that 'restricted' reptiles up here must be taken to the musem within 14 days of their death, if I am not mistaken.
Oh and the museum certainly doesn't give you your license, that's the LPCU of the EPA who does that, as you should know.
How do you report a dead snake

No one is picking on snarf africancichlidau.
I know I didnt say anything bad about snarf in this forum and from what I can read either did anyone else
i think african was referring to matt being picked on gbskda :wink:
hee hee jas, i think grant was making a joke :lol:
Indeed I was bangle.
Indeed I was Nicole.

Gb I know you weren't having a go at snarfster the mate I referred to was my young buddy Matt :) I can see where you would have been mistaken though seeing what has happened since this post. No worries mate, all is cool :) See I'm even picking up the lingo from my young friend :)
Thanx african earlyer 2day i went to a place named pet city i bought some fake plants and some other stuff for my frogs tomorrow im going there to buy:Day Glo neodymium Daylight Lamp or Repti lo 2.0 Day Light terrarium lamp wich one should i buy and Night Glo Moonlight Lamp and Misting system...
Sorry little buddy, I don't know either of those lamps so can't advise you on which one. One bit of advice I can give you though is to try and keep ya froggy posts in the "exotics and other reptiles" forum otherwise some of the members, myself included, might get the poops with you and have you ejected from the community. You are such a nice little guy I would hate to see that happen! Take care my young friend :)
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