I would like to colect money for one of our admins.

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Ricko include movement permit and transport we will pay $420. I think that this is good price.
It is from same bloke as bigguy have.
well done mate sounds like a great price.
I would like to thank to you all for contributing. We have all money commited to us except 2 transfers, and people who will hand the money in zoo.
I would ask all people who contributed to this collection to look at record on page 3 in this topic to check if I have my records right.

Thanks to all again, Slateman
Below are details regarding the colection for snake for our Administrator David Lutzd.
I would like to thank him again for great job during past years to keep things under control.
I like to thamk to all people who donated the money to show their appriciation for endless hours he spend here on APS working for our benefit.
We end up left with extra $75. After discussion with some of the people involved in collection at the Zoo, we decided to put this money against the food for the snake. After all money was colected for him and that way they are spent with benefit for David.

Please check all details below, I handeled finances honastly and I hope that all is corect.

Earthmother family; $20..........received
Africancichlidau $20.................received
michaelh $25..........................received
Slateys $20.............................received
Nome $20...............................received
nicherps $20...........................received
Daisy $15...............................not received
Miss Magical $10.....................received
Dobermanmicks family $20.....received
Lutzd $20..............................received
Fuscus $50............................received
Instar $20.............................received
Sheralyn $20.........................received
Bryony $20........................... received
BROWNS $20........................received
Pinkie $10............................not received
Popp $20............................. canceled
Anonym $20.........................received
Anonym2 $20.......................received
Parko $20............................received
Nigmax $20..........................received
Pythonkisses $100................received
Hugsta $10...........................received

Snake cost .........................-$420
Food for snake.....................-$75

Thank you again to all.

Awww, I was gonna suggest Firestorm as a name, to reflect her colour and temperament!


Maybe when she does her first communion, we'll give her a bible name, and call her Firestorm! ;-) Suggests feisty-ness, which sure reflects her nature! ;-)
LOL David looks like name for this bredli will be easy to find. She is full of character. Hungry all the time and beautifull.
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