Injured Bluey

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Very Well-Known Member
May 31, 2006
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melbourne, vic
Hi all,
I do wildlife rescue and i am a wildlife carer for Wildlife Vic.
Yesterday i picked up a young bluey that had been attacked or injured in some way. It looks like birds have attacked it. Anyway, it has injuries to both eyes but the rest of the animal is fine.
It looks like it will lose both eyes, definatley one, possibly the other.
I've taken it to my local vet, who has little reptile experience, and he gave it Baytril and a very small dose of pain killer.
What do all the people on here think should be done? Should i take it back to the vet and send it on to Lizard heaven or should i wait and see it it comes good?
Keeping in mind that it has injuries to BOTH eyes with the chance that it will be blind in both eyes.

Please keep answers serious.
i don't own blue tounges but to me being blind would not be a problem if he was to be kept in captivity and i'm sure he would soon use other senses to get around, but if u had to release him then survival would be nil.
I'd give it a couple of weeks to settle and then check for vision, it will at least sight in one eye to survive.
Thanks, I'm considering taking it for a 2nd opinion to a herp vet.
It's a tricky one because pysically the animal is ok, except it's eyes.
looks like you might end up with a blind bluey.would you keep it or would you relocate it ? tiger snakes in parts of aussie live blind due to bird attacks they seem healthy other then that fact of being blind but I would speak to your local animal park or zoo and ask if the outcome is a blind bluey what you can do for it ..good luck
i think give it a chance, i'm sure someone will take it into their home even if it is blind.

poor bluey. :(
i would care & treat for the next fortnight.... & still find qualified vet asap
infection would be on the cards in the damaged area...
do you or have you been bathing the eyes...or ...preference to scab heal process?
i do believe Koubee stated she is a wild life carer
asking for secondary advice is always the best thing to do... double checking your iniatal treatment when have such injuries help carers... peace of mind
Koubee if you dont agree..i apologise.. my opinion only
totally agree dragon lady, thank you. And yes i am a Wildlife carer, only new to it but we all have to start somewhere. I have been doing rescues for about 8mths now and being a carer for about 2 mths.

Yes i am bathing the eyes with saline solution, 3 times a day.
It is having Baytril twice daily, 0.1ml orally.

I'm going to see if i can get it to see Shane Simpson at Karingal.

Open to all advice.
Has anyone checked inside it's mouth? Sounds weird there is no other damage.
If there's damage in the mouth (especially the roof) it's likely suffered a crush injury and the skull could be fractured.
Has anyone checked inside it's mouth? Sounds weird there is no other damage.
If there's damage in the mouth (especially the roof) it's likely suffered a crush injury and the skull could be fractured.

My thoughts exactly,
When the head has a pressure/crush injury the internal swelling causes the eyes to retract into the head.

If anyone is interested I've started an APS social group for Wildlife Carers

This is not a group for discussing the validity of rescue and rehab, just a way of supporting each of us who have decide that we do it.
Liz, ill come and see you on Friday night as ill be in the area and have a look at the bluie for you..
Since this is a young animal i think its chances are ok depending on how bad the internal damage is.
Keep up the good work mate..
There was bleeding around the mouth but i think that was blood from the eye injury.
It has a good strong bite.
I just rang Karingal Vet's (Dr. Simpson) and i am taking the bluey to see him on Friday.
It is a very strange injury, i belive that birds have pecked it's eyes.
It is a very young bluey, proberly around 6mths.
I'll attempt to get a picture, so you can see the damage.
I have mushed banana and science diet together with vitamin powder, it's not overly interested in food but is taking fluids.
i would keep it i have 2 blueys mine have there eyes shut most of the time but when i hold them they have them open.....if it gets better i would keep it but it gets really bad i would get it put to sleep
ok just gave it's morning dose of Baytril and it's not looking good. It dose have a bloody discharge from it's mouth. It looks quite swollen on one side of it's head now too.
Heading off to vet now.
Update when i get back.
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