is a 5.7 L container ok for a 4 month stimpsons?

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Very Well-Known Member
May 30, 2005
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Eltham, Victoria
ok everybody i think i have found the snake i will buy. its a 3 month old stimpsons female. well by the time i get it it will be like 4 months old. anyways i wanted to know how long it can be kept in a 5.7 litre click clack for?

also i am thinking of eventually upgrading it to a plastic tub with some air holes drilled into it.

your thoughts?

How big is that? lunchbox?
:? Plastic tubs are cheap why not just get a bigger one? :D
:shock: Btw airholes in the small one to Andrew! :p
it depends on the size of the snake and the dimensions of the click clack it would probably be fine. i just got a hatchling coastal and it is about 40cm long and i am keeping it in a click clack that is about 25 cm long x 18cm wide and 20cm high (thats off the top of my head so figures may be out by a couple of cm, but you get the point. my adults were housed in a 2 x 1 x 1.5 foot glass tank but they are now in a 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 foot tank and they seem to really like the room but the 2 foot would be big enough.
I have coastals about that age... that have fed well in 3 litre containers. They will probably be moved onto something larger soon.
beautiful. so i didn't waste $17 bucks. well porbably upgrade to a tub when she reaches 1 year. Roy sent me some photos of her and she is beautiful with great colouration/patterning.


Click Clack??? anyone got a photo off how these thigs are kept?
thanks. where do you get them from and what is their real name.
Thanks. looks like a good setup you have there.
Thanks mate, that's just a few remaining from the last couple of clutches, down to 2 male Childreni now :) Going cheap and they are not budgies :)
i though tyou had a stimpsons hatchling? or were they childreni? what happend to the angry lil carpet hatchy?

well looks like my future snake is going to call a click clack home sweet home for a while.


slackra you might find yourself upgrading to a larger tank before one year my stimies were about 2.5 feet at only 13 months.
I got 3 Stimmies but they're not for sale, the angry Coastal is mine all mine and not for sale and the two remaining are Childreni. That's good mate, hatchies love the feeling of security a click clack gives them, or any other similar box for that matter :) Is the Stimmy you're getting a T.C?
Bunnings Warehouse has plastic tubs for $8. I am using them for rodent boxes. They are about 30 deep 30 wide and 40 long.
They would be good for snakes too.
They have handles that lock down and you can say 'click, clack' when you shut them...bargain!
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