jungle doo doo in mouth

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
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afternoon guys i just went to get my jungle out for a handle and she did the poo thing but it actually went in her mouth. Is there anything there i need to worry about like do i need to give her a bath or will she work it out herself?
got a story

lol at least its her mouth and not yours.
i remember when i had my baby spotted out when i first got her and i put her on my head and she must of felt relaxed in my hair and she let loose just as i looked in the mirror and see this turd run down my face and over my lips. family had a good old chuckle.
but back to your question. i would not have a clue. sorry this thread reminded me off that day.
I doubt it, they eat rats with you-know-what! the rats are never gutted or cleaned out before we feed them to our pythons.
Yeh that is true. Now I have her in a tub with a bit of dowl in it so I could clean put her tub and she is been a royal bitch hanging onto the dowl and striking. God she can frustrate me sometimes
afternoon guys i just went to get my jungle out for a handle and she did the poo thing but it actually went in her mouth. Is there anything there i need to worry about like do i need to give her a bath or will she work it out herself?

i think we should cross that jungle poo with an MD and a kim beasly poo to get jungmurabeasle poos
hahaha way to many cross breed threads going on at the moment i can see some one is a little worked up
nah i dont mind the cross breeds hey, just the humourless unintelligent people on this site that crack the *****s when you have fun with theyre obvious and humourus questions

so bph02 would you like to buy a jungmurabeasle poo or maby a carponitor
haha tatt2tony yeh i think that is what most will think when they read the title
kenshin im down for a carponitor thatd be wicked
Should be fine theres not alot you can do really,though now is a better time than ever not to get bit!!!!
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