My frustrations...

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If you are planning to have something done about it (which would be great) you need to;

- Prove cause of death - which only a Vet will be able to do for you...
- Prove that your Ex CAUSED the death - here you will struggle, in fact, it is near impossible...

This is where your problem lies, evidence of who did what will be near impossible to get your hands on. It isnt fair that people get away with things like this but unfortunately the system does have its flaws.

Despite what the judicial geniuses who have already posted claim, the authorities are not copping out, they merely understand the way the judicial system and evidentiary system work - and it is unfortunate to say that it is stacked heavily away from justice...

Well i would think that the fact he threatened to kill your animals under a certain set of circumstances, those circumstances eventuated, snakes died (so long as you can prove how they were killed and testify it wasnt your or your daughters doing) would tip the scales of probability which is all you would need to win a civil suit. criminal charges would be difficult to lay, but once the civil suit was in progress, a restraining order is incredibly easy to obtain and highly reccomended and will include your son (or supervised visits through the DHS) especially if he is suspected of voilent behaviours.
dont know how familiar you are with the goings on in vic but some people who are a bit out of whack can be a bit silly with kids around time of split-ups.
good luck and hope he gets whats coming to him.
sorry im not closer to you. hope theres a few herpers on here close to you that wouldnt mind popping around for a drink (if you get the drift) with your ex.

putting my "drinkin" boots on, lets go visit..
Dog people should not date cat people and vice versa.

Anyone who shows cruelty to a pet animal is missing a basic part of their 'id'.

While I hate what cats are doing to our environment, I have no malice towards any individual cat, (except ferrals).

People who are crule to animals should have their dangely bits hooked up to a car battery.
so sorry for your loss :( my ex didn't like my reps either but he wasn't game to ever do anything to them. You need to get yourself a DVO......
Well i would think that the fact he threatened to kill your animals under a certain set of circumstances, those circumstances eventuated, snakes died (so long as you can prove how they were killed and testify it wasnt your or your daughters doing) would tip the scales of probability which is all you would need to win a civil suit. criminal charges would be difficult to lay, but once the civil suit was in progress, a restraining order is incredibly easy to obtain and highly reccomended and will include your son (or supervised visits through the DHS) especially if he is suspected of voilent behaviours.
dont know how familiar you are with the goings on in vic but some people who are a bit out of whack can be a bit silly with kids around time of split-ups.
good luck and hope he gets whats coming to him.

Syeph8, That first part is exactly what Aslan is trying to say. IF it can be proved. Unfortunately in this case the testimony of the plaintiff isn't assumed to be the truth, hence the need for proof, even in a civil suit. Proof which is very difficult to obtain as has already been discussed. That last sentence isn't helpful, yes we know people can get silly, however adding that here is just scaremongering, and to no useful purpose. I'm sure that she is scared and stressed enough without adding to it.

Wild Storm, what you do have grounds for at the moment is a DVO, which is the most important thing to focus on at the moment. It may be that this person (I use the term loosely) never sees the pointy end of the legal stick for what he did to the animals. However, as long as you and your daughter are safe, that's what is important. Start by writing down as much as you can remember of the relationship and his violent behaviours. Be sure to include anytime your daughter was included, whether she was the focus of a threat, a violent act or simply an observer of his abuse of you. As hard as it is, be as impersonal as you can be when writing to begin with, don't include your feelings, what you think he may have thought or felt or meant. Just stick to bare facts. Include as many dates, details and witnesses as you can. You can include the threats about the animals, and the fact that they died in mysterious circumstances. You take that to Legal Aid, and they'll help you get the order set up, or at least tell you who to talk to.
very sound advice shadow dragon
its the DVO i think that needs to be put in place for all family members to keep him away
and yes i think wirting everything down is a good idea..this way you dont forget to include important points in your story.
Spikey - A DVO should automatically include all persons in a domestic relationship with the victim - that is the case in NSW and I would imagine also in VIC.

Syeph - I am extremely familiar with the criminal justic system (admittedly in NSW) - and unfortunately, whilst what you say would make sense in a court of common sense, it is often a far different result in a court of law. The circumstances you describe are circumstantial at best, and with a criminal case run on circumstantial evidence you need to establish that there is no other reasonable excuse for how those animals died. This would be near impossible to prove to a suitable level in a criminal court.

A civil court may be different as I am unfamiliar with your system down there, but on the sole basis of evidence I dont think there would be enough. Unfortunately, as I commented previously, the distance between common sense and the legal system is substantially larger than justice deserves...
I am so shaken by this... I dont even know what to say.
Im glad Daggy boy is ok, and hopefully he wont have any future health problems from this. I just cant believe someone could hurt him (or your other snakes of course) I wish the worst for that ................

I will earn more infractions if i keep going.
reading your posts make me so furiated with you ex, what a cruel son of a bitch and nasty piece of work. even though you've escaped it still wont be over, he's killed your animals and much loved ones to get to you, make you hurt longer, abusive people always turn on the ones that the abused person loves dearly before seeking more destruction on there lives. Kind of testing the waters so to speak. but he started with your rats now he is just trying to control you and following up on his threats with your snakes. I'd seek supportive situation for your family first before seeking revenge, get the news involved, police protection, and a restraining order for the safety of your kids and yourself. today tonight or current affare for name and shame and then more companies should start investigating more into it for your snakes sake and other animals, name and shame when you have support so you don't feel the need to return if he keeps herassing you and threatening you. get in contact with your local parks and wildlife to report this so they can investigate the deaths of your snakes. there should also be companies that are animal crime investigaters I know of one down in NSW but you might find someone in qld. I think RSPCA is demestic animals only and they don't care for reptiles. and maybe chuck the dead snakes in the freezer, theres got to be places that do feransic investigations on animals too but you might need to post them the bodies which can get messy. maybe look for head trorma he could of hit them on the head, or he could of poisoned then with there water, did they feed before you left he could of poisoned the food.

but good luck with now and unfortunitly this will not stop till he is in jail or I'd hate to say it done worse and its been reconised by the cops.

I hope you get justice for your loses and I hope you report this to the news and name and shame him.
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i'm so sorry for your loss, wild_storm - that's truely aweful, though you're better off without him, it doesn't make you feel better when parting came at such a loss...

Aslan is right, there is very little that can be proven, and you've tried your best, but unfortunately you'll have to try and let "what comes around goes around" give you comfort.

just give lots of love and support to your kids, and the rest of your slithery crew... I'll be thinking of you, and hoping that your other snakes make a good recovery... xoxo
Well i would think that the fact he threatened to kill your animals under a certain set of circumstances, those circumstances eventuated, snakes died (so long as you can prove how they were killed and testify it wasnt your or your daughters doing) would tip the scales of probability .

Unfortunately it wont be seen this way. Our neighbours once threatened to harm my dogs and I called the police so that if something did happen then I had something to back me up.
I was told that this was of little use because they had had cases where someone made a complaint about a threat and then killed their own animal so that it looked as if the other person had done it (sick, I know).
So basically he could turn around and say that you had killed them to make him look bad, and there is no way you can prove otherwise.
I know it sucks but the laws seem to protect the rights of the bad guy above the victims.

I am sorry for your loss.
Wild Storm, what you do have grounds for at the moment is a DVO, which is the most important thing to focus on at the moment. It may be that this person (I use the term loosely) never sees the pointy end of the legal stick for what he did to the animals. However, as long as you and your daughter are safe, that's what is important. Start by writing down as much as you can remember of the relationship and his violent behaviours. Be sure to include anytime your daughter was included, whether she was the focus of a threat, a violent act or simply an observer of his abuse of you. As hard as it is, be as impersonal as you can be when writing to begin with, don't include your feelings, what you think he may have thought or felt or meant. Just stick to bare facts. Include as many dates, details and witnesses as you can. You can include the threats about the animals, and the fact that they died in mysterious circumstances. You take that to Legal Aid, and they'll help you get the order set up, or at least tell you who to talk to.

This is pretty sound advice, even if you don't do anything with the information you put down on paper at this time. Write it down, date it, and email it to some close friends or family for accountability. Just in case.

This guy sounds pretty psychotic. I'm really sorry about your reptiles, but you and your kids' safety is far more important. If it were me, I would be cutting my losses and getting as far away from him as possible.
What the hell! How can they do nothing:mad:

Josiah - Try reading the other posts in the thread thoroughly - this is explained. If you wish to increase your knowledge of this further look into the Evidence Act 1995.
If you wernt living there at the time and it turns out to be poison + threats made to them it is almost in admisable evidience the RSPCA will look into it is under the prevention of cruerlty to animals no matter what animal feral, domestic, even a mouse they all fall under this LAW
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