Need help, Bearded dragon or netted dragon?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Mackay, QLD
Hi guys,

I am completely new here... My name is Ari :)
I have loved reptiles a long time and like a lot of people from my gen I have always kept reptiles of some sort as a child (illegally but we never knew any better)...
Now in my 20's Im looking at owning (LEGALLY) my first reptile :)

My last baby was an eastern bearded dragon which I loved to pieces and felt as though I had had forever... he is long gone... but another beardy appealed to me greatly... however at a recent trip to the local pet store I saw the most adorable creature on the planet... a pair of central netted dragons! The little female ran straight to me when she saw me and proceeded to jump up on the glass for attention... probably feeding close to feeding time i guess and she thought I had food for her ^_^
Anyway... she then gave up and run up to the male and jumped all over him... just such a commical little thing... anyway she melted my heart and I've developed a bit of an interest in them now.

My question though is... which am I better off getting especially for what is essentially a first time reptile keeper (all my others were kept for short periods mostly or in makeshift aviaries etc.). I've done my research on the keeping of both and have a nice set up sitting here waiting for the finishing touches when i decide. So do I go for a yellow central beardy or a central netted??? I know the netteds are a bit more specific in care requirements.

Would love all opinions and ideas :) I would love to get a snake one day to.

i have both... and basically a bearded dragon is a very chilled out lizard that isn't all that active all the time, but they are incredibly tame and will just sit on your lap or shoulder for ages, so they are a very interactive lizard to have... although my netted dragons are only young, a friend has adults of them and they are heaps more active, constantly running around and peeping out the front on their little ledge like you saw... so are probably more entertaining to watch, however they aren't as tame as beardies, and although they are fine to handle for a while, i couldn't imagine you could take them out for hours like you could a beardie... care is pretty similar, so go the one you think appeals to you more...
yeah they are both awesome. netteds are alot smaller so will save space, or you could keep more.
beardies are super chilled
my bf's netteds are all different, one will sit on ur hand for ages and not move, other u cant hold without them jumping off. so it just depends. they are more active and interactive with eachother so u will need more than one :)
very cute though. but super small as babies so if u want to handle them u might want to get an adult. also netteded are much more expensive than beardies!
I myself as a first time keeper would go with a central beardie as they are ALOT more hardy and have a much longer lifespan. Saying that i do have a male netted that is 6 years old who looks like he can still go a few more years. Beardies are going to be alot more placid however they do require a larger tank. My experiences with baby netteds have not always been good and IMO they are a little touchy when small. If i were you would probably go for a 8 week old or similar beardie then you wont have any problems.
i say go the beardie... they are awesome and have really distinct personalities. mine's super tame and loves climbing up onto my shoulder and will just sit there for ages, watching everything going on around him.
I say a bearded Dragon ,because my little guy is awesome but I think they would both make great pets
netteds are really cute, but i find their short life span offputting,..i'm a huge bearded fan, so i'd go with that,.. :p
id go with the bearded dragon. Im getting one tomorrow and there very easy to look after and grow bigger if thats what you like;) just have a look at the price different s and stuff like that even get a fish tank on ebay, that's what i did and just half the tank to make it 2ft. have you got your licence yet?

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