New born axolotyls

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Boiled egg won't work for them ........ Set up a brine shrimp hatchery takes 24 hours for them to hatch and Feed them
lol use the egg ive been breeding fish for over 10 years

Because something works for some species of fish, that hardly means that it will work for axolotls! Small, live feed is the way to go - as per instructions from people that have been breeding axolotls for 10 years - not fish ;)
Ok so I got them some live plants (elodea as suggested) and am hatching brine shrimp as I type - but these won't have for a day or two . two axolotls have hatched I hope they make it till the food hatches . . I'm Gonna call a around tomorrow looking for some daphnia as these are fresh water animals so I can just put them in with the hatchies to consume as they like . .

Won't post pics yet as they are too small to see with the camera . . Hopefully will post pics in a few days or so . .

Thanks again everyone for allll your help :)
Ok so I got them some live plants (elodea as suggested) and am hatching brine shrimp as I type - but these won't have for a day or two . two axolotls have hatched I hope they make it till the food hatches . . I'm Gonna call a around tomorrow looking for some daphnia as these are fresh water animals so I can just put them in with the hatchies to consume as they like . .

Won't post pics yet as they are too small to see with the camera . . Hopefully will post pics in a few days or so . .

Thanks again everyone for allll your help :)

Glad to see you've now gone off and done some research - your axolotls now have a fair chance.

Good luck with it all - hope all goes fine :) Keep us updated!
Ok so I got them some live plants (elodea as suggested) and am hatching brine shrimp as I type - but these won't have for a day or two . two axolotls have hatched I hope they make it till the food hatches . . I'm Gonna call a around tomorrow looking for some daphnia as these are fresh water animals so I can just put them in with the hatchies to consume as they like . .

Won't post pics yet as they are too small to see with the camera . . Hopefully will post pics in a few days or so . .

Thanks again everyone for allll your help :)

You should be fine until you can get some daphnia and the brine shrimp hatch, as tadpoles usually do not eat for the first couple of days.

keep us updated as to how they go!!!!
Ok do I have called almost everywhere and they all stock only frozen daphnia. So I guess I can try that but not really looking gd :(
Get some live black worms from your local aquarium shop and cut them up into 3 or 4 sections, they will still wriggle so the babies can find them as they don't see very well they need to sense movement to feed. I have a few dozen babies black and white from two different females and they are growing well on the black worms.
Make sure you have them in a tank with a clear clean bottom, I've found if you have gravel the babies won't find the food and will starve.

good luck.
Try contacting a local University or High School, they will often have Daphnia for use in Science, they might be able to help you out.
brine shrimp untill they get older also elodea for both hiding spots and food when they get old frozen blood worms or turtle dinner all of wich should be available from a decent pet shop
I've also recently had some axo eggs hatch - just about all the eggs I had hatched so I ended up with ~50 or so baby axos. 18 degrees C temp, foam filter (low flow), fed them young live brine shrimp (72hr) and some of them seemed to be feeding, although it's not that easy to tell.

But after a few weeks they hadn't grown much even though I was feeding them once or often twice a day with plenty of brine shrimp (and of course doing regular water changes as the brine don't survive all that long in fresh water). The numbers of morts increased and eventually they all died which was very disappointing.

One thing I've read in this thread is not to have any gravel on the bottom of the tank; i had a thin layer of black gravel on the bottom of the rearing tank as I thought they would do better with a bit of camouflage/hiding spots. Maybe this was an issue I'm not sure.

However I have another batch of eggs ready to hatch in a few days so I'll give it another shot. Would really like to try Daphnia as food if I can get hold of it this time as they will survive until eaten in freshwater.

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