New Boyds Enclosure Set-up Pics.

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Awesome set up Scott! Talk about lush living, they are lucky Boyds to hav such a good daddy!
Now I just need you to make one for me! lol. ;)
Thats a beautiful set up Southside Morelia! Boyds are the most beautiful animals and so calm lol

Do you feed them in a seperate tub? I find trying to feed things like woodies to them when there is substrate in the enclosure difficult to say the least! You walk in at night and find all the lost insects running wild lol

Like i said Great Job!


Thanks Minka,
Like I was saying to Roger, I feed the roaches by hand ie with tongs as my Boyds are pretty tame and don't mind being fed like this, also it's a good way to make sure all your animals are getting a good feed!
Also, I just chuck the roaches/worms into a bowl.....but not any ordinary bowl, through experience and wasted money I got a Bonsai planter pot, which has sides that curve back inwards to the center of the bowl. I paint Fluon or teflon paint on the sides and the roaches have 2 escape proof scenarios to deal with. 1st is the fluon which they can't grip on and the 2nd is the curved lip of the bowl.
Awesome set up Scott! Talk about lush living, they are lucky Boyds to hav such a good daddy!
Now I just need you to make one for me! lol. ;)

Anytime Zac, as I mentioned before, now mines set up we could make yours even better I reckon.

You do things once, but you can always improve and learn from the experience!
Good to hear from you mate , you saved me an email I was going to send you tonight! lol
Hey Mate , just found this ...looks good , hope it went back together ok after the whole door thing hehehe.
can you post a pic to show the whole thing from a distance , as i would like to put the pic on my site if that's ok ?
looks awsome southside :) i love the set up.did brett build the enclosure?cause its fantastic :)
Thanks Hobbo, Yes he did!! no credit to me for the enclosure, only the concept and the mind changing during construction!!
Brett did an awesome job, as I mentioned first up and I recommend him to anyone looking to get an enclosure built!!
No probs with the pic mate, give it a week as I haven't actually finished. I changed it a bit from the pics in this thread, added a few more plants, live and fake and I have some real rainforesty looking timber on order, the stuff hasn't arrived yet, so when it does and I add it, i'll email you a good pic for the site.
Well Scott i KNOW who to speak to when i want mine built unreal ...................looks like a zoo enclosure only better............RBB
Well Scott i KNOW who to speak to when i want mine built unreal ...................looks like a zoo enclosure only better............RBB
Thanks redbelly, I can come up and help out only if your located on the water, nice outlook, preferably Nth Queenslandish and your a good
It's a partnership Brett, you knock up the enclosure and I fit em out!
Better make that 2 for dinner!
Geebus, that thing looks insane. I hope you've got it somewhere prominent in your house as a big display piece 8)
Excellent result Scott. You should well be stoked with it.

How have you gone about the wiring for lights/heaters etc... in a wet environment? (You mentioned you have a mister).
Excellent result Scott. You should well be stoked with it.

How have you gone about the wiring for lights/heaters etc... in a wet environment? (You mentioned you have a mister).
Thanks Miss B, it's right in the corner of the loungeroom so it can be viewed from the lounges.
Thanks mrmikk for the kind words... All electricals mate are external from the enclosure.
The power is all underneath in the storage area with the timers, pumps etc, it is also RCD protected just in case. The lighting and heat (ceramic heat emmiter) are mounted externally on top on the metal screen on top of the enclosure. The misting heads are also mounted to the wire mesh at the top but underneath in the actual enclosure obviously so they spray the enclosure. The misting system is a pro-mist PM-60, which can only be purchased in the US and is pretty well one of the best around at a reasonable price. I've tried a few misting systems and for the money, it is IMO the best, the cheaper versions are gimmicks and eventually fail.
An absolute credit to you Scott, I am a bit of a fence sitter as far as cages go, I like both natural and sterile. I think I might do a few more like that one though.
Thanks Boa, I still have the odd herp or 3 in the tubs, but now that I don't have fish tanks, I have to fill the
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