not a substrate debate!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2003
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the lounge room
when feeding my bearded dragon he seems that he cant see the crickets unless they are moving. but when i feed him the green grasshoppers he goes straight for them. could this be because of the brown subsrtate that i am using or he just think the hoppers taste better?

Could be just about anything causing this MM. He could prefer the taste, it could be the colour, it could be that the outline of a hopper is more distinct than a cricket so he can see them easier. :D It could even be a size issue.....
Is there anywhere is sydney you can buy grass hoppers?
I only know of crickets and mealworms that are commonly available.
What other delicacies are available for herps? (in shops that is)
Waste of time looking in pet shops.You are better off dealing with those that breed food specifically for reptiles. I know you can buy meal worms,crickets,roaches,silk worms,fruit flys etc etc you just have to look around.
do many of the people that bread food for reptiles have working locations or are they specifically mail order?
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