Pig Hunting???

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I don't consider any animal a "pest". They have as much right to live here as we do.
Hunting for food is acceptable.
Hunting for the fun of it is just horrible. Nobody should enjoy killing another living thing.
IMO people who do this are just as bad as people who swerve to kill snakes.
so you would prefer them to run amuck and destroy our native flora and fauna? Rabbits, pigs, goats, foxes, feral cats, wild dogs ect have no place in australia and they are serious pests, kill native animals, destroy ecosystems, if you think they should be left to do that you are as bad as people that swerve to hit snakes imo
I don't consider any animal a "pest". They have as much right to live here as we do.
Hunting for food is acceptable.
Hunting for the fun of it is just horrible. Nobody should enjoy killing another living thing.
IMO people who do this are just as bad as people who swerve to kill snakes.
right so its okay for pest animals to destroy this country and its native animals:rolleyes:
I don't consider any animal a "pest". They have as much right to live here as we do.
Hunting for food is acceptable.
Hunting for the fun of it is just horrible. Nobody should enjoy killing another living thing.
IMO people who do this are just as bad as people who swerve to kill snakes.
right so its okay for pest animals to destroy this country and its native animals:rolleyes: the only right they have is to have a humane death
Pest doesn't exist to me. If it's such a problem, relocate.
mmm with the others on this one,
these animals will kill all native animals yet thrive themselves.
which inturn will destroy the ecosystem
which is bad.
killing feral pests is for the good of the country, not to inflict pain on the animal.

back to the original thread, love the pictures : )
Killing them is the easy way out.
Meh I can't be bothered with this thread. I shouldn't of posted in the first place.
I just hate killing animals because they're an "inconvenience".

The point is I hate it when people take enjoyment in and make sport of killing animals.
If you have to do it don't smile and take photos of it. That's just disgusting.
I hope everyone who does this at least utilizes as much as they can from the animal's carcass.
Fair enough everyone is allowed to have an opinion even if it is ignorant and illogical. Although if the animals i shoot are religious they may actually be being relocated to piggy heaven :lol:
If you DONT kill a feral cat you cause hundreds of native animals to die and suffer. If you dont kill pigs it causes massive environmental destruction. Ppl who dont hunt are infact the cruel and destructive ppl.

Hunting stuff is awesome fun, no shame in enjoying natural behaviour. As i mentioned earlier in the thread its generally just as much fun shooting stuff with a camera as it is using a rifle. The only differance being shooting stuff with a rifle will achieve something positive.
i think they are more than an inconvenience, they kill our native animals, thats not an "inconvenience" thats disgusting that people want to let them do it. And yes, we use the carcasses for photo opportunity's, bait for other ferals and food if safe to do so. Also skin and skulls are often taken but thats not why we do it.
MAYBE we could start killing off all the humans look at the horrible horrible things they''re doing to the environment:rolleyes:
Relocate? C'mon!

Its illegal in most if not all states to release feral animals or declared pest species back into the enviroment.
Who in their right mind would fund something like that!!! hahaahahah!

You can take pleasure in the killing of feral, if people want to enjoy the sport of hunting animals i think its excellent that they target ferals, they are enjoying a sport that has positives for the enviroment.
MAYBE we could start killing off all the humans look at the horrible horrible things they''re doing to the environment:rolleyes:

Sorry that is illegal, are you a psycho?

Do you think its ok for other omnivorous and carnivorous animals to kill other animals?

Why do you think its OK to keep an animal that requires hundreds or thousands of animals to be killed to keep it alive? e.g. a snake (im only assuming you think its OK to keep snakes since you are on a snake keeping website)
Maybe I do have some psycho qualities.
I'm much less affected over human death than animal death.
And by "we" I meant you people who love to hunt. I am not a hunter.

For me It's ALRIGHT to kill an animal for food. I just cannot understand how people can take enjoyment in it though and take pictures of it as if it's something to be proud of.

Killing an animal for anything else is just wrong. But you all being typical humans think it's in your right to take it upon yourself to do what is "right for the environment" even though humans are the most destructive thing on this planet! It's just an excuse to indulge in your desire to kill other living things, why else would you look so happy about it in your pictures? I cannot see the joy in taking another animal's life.

Call me ignorant all you want but I have and always will have a strong dislike for this kind of thing.

Animals need to eat to survive and to do that they hunt and they eat what they kill.
I think it's OK to keep an animal that requires hundreds or thousands of animals to be killed to keep it alive BECAUSE I THINK IT'S OK TO KILL FOR FOOD. I have already said this a number of times now...

This is just going to keep going around and around.
No more posts from me.
but what you are saying is they would be better out there, living and killing out native wildlife. People take pride in helping out our native wildlife, if that means killing an introduced PEST species then so be it. If you wanna see pigs and goats running wild, move.
Metal Jazz , you need ya head read. Hunting has been a part of this ................... See , me and all hunters dont have to justify anything to the likes of you. As long as people have respect for what they hunt then all is well. I suppose you think meat comes from a plastic tray. :x:shock:
a guy we used to hunt with had no respect for the animals, he was using his shotgun one night on roo's which didnt do a very good job, other night he would get annoyed that we stopped to check to make sure tho roo's were dead. Havent been with him in a while, we like to make sure the animal doesnt suffer any more than it has to.
Don't worry metal jazz it's all food for something in the end, my resident wedgies don't mind a feed of pork
I dont actually enjoying killing things, thats just part of hunting(this is something most closed minded ppl cant understand). As part of keeping reptiles i have to kill rodents almost everyday and i can tell you it isnt fun at all.

However walking through thick cover where you know there are large pigs (that could tear you to shreds in a second) does tend to get the adrenaline pumping and it is great fun. I also get a sense of satisfation knowing im helping the ecosytem while causing virtually no suffering to the animal.

Why hunting is fun is very hard to explain, but its natural behaviour so it doesnt really need to be explained.
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