poor lil possum

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2006
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gold coast
Hi, Just a warning this may upset some people. I was flicking through my husbands facebook and came across these pics from a old school friend of his.(a girl he hasnt seen in over 10 years)Anyway I was disguisted and I want to do something. The only prob is she hasnt put dowm what state or town she is in. Would the rspca be able to access info from facebook. What a horrible person to do that....


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Yeah, thats pretty disgusting allright.
Unfortunatly it has been a fairly common practise when training hunting dogs and greyhounds for many years.
Not only possums are used.
Good luck with getting a charge to stick..
I bet nobody would have cared if that was a cat..

Pretty disgusting all the same.
Hi, Just a warning this may upset some people. I was flicking through my husbands facebook and came across these pics from a old school friend of his.(a girl he hasnt seen in over 10 years)Anyway I was disguisted and I want to do something. The only prob is she hasnt put dowm what state or town she is in. Would the rspca be able to access info from facebook. What a horrible person to do that....

If she is an old shcool friend can he not message her subtally asking what she is doing with herslef / were abouts does she live now etc ...
If you know her name you can always let your fingers do the walking and make a few calls. Make something up when they answer (fake school reunion maybe?) and when you confirm, pass the details onto the RSPCA then and email the photos as well.
Umm I kinda wrote her a email about what I thought about this....There was no swearing or threatning, but I highly doubt my husband can find out.(Im in enough trouble for going into his facebook)
Umm I kinda wrote her a email about what I thought about this....There was no swearing or threatning, but I highly doubt my husband can find out.(Im in enough trouble for going into his facebook)

there is a problem to start with!. TRUST.
Ok... Now I get flamed!! Lol. I can see that it IS cruel, but having been woken up and kept awake for hours on end for almost 2 years by possums... I can understand why she was that cranky she sikked (spelling??) the dogs on it. They make the LOUDEST noise, chew through your ceiling and then piddle on you, the bed, computer, whatever is under at the time!! On top of that NOTHING is sacred when they can get inside- they trash the kitchen, and pantry... The worst experience I have had with them is one kept coming inside and it would run into my daughter's bedroom & jump onto her bed, waking her.

They can be very cute... providing they are out in the forest where there are NO PEOPLE!!!
Ok... Now I get flamed!! Lol. I can see that it IS cruel, but having been woken up and kept awake for hours on end for almost 2 years by possums... I can understand why she was that cranky she sikked (spelling??) the dogs on it. They make the LOUDEST noise, chew through your ceiling and then piddle on you, the bed, computer, whatever is under at the time!! On top of that NOTHING is sacred when they can get inside- they trash the kitchen, and pantry... The worst experience I have had with them is one kept coming inside and it would run into my daughter's bedroom & jump onto her bed, waking her.

They can be very cute... providing they are out in the forest where there are NO PEOPLE!!!

That is no excuse, whatever the animal may be, even a cat.

It would not have been hard to trap it and then release away from the house or get a wildlife carer to relocate it to somewhere suitable.
Very honestly - I AM aware that Possums are protected... HOWEVER- Where I live the National Parks rangers aren't interested in relocating or trapping them. After 6 months, I used to take the broom and bash the ceiling each time they started fighting.

I don't care if it is a Cat, Dingo, Possum, Horse, Cow, whatever, it should have been destroyed humanely (quickly, not tortured). Where I was living at the time there was SIXTEEN possums that I counted in the ceiling!!!!

Oh- and the Ranger told me to shoot them... So that will give you an idea of the numbers that are around here. I am not excusing the feelings I have for them, but I know someone else that had one in her wall & she tried to poison it, as it kept her children awake... Someone else up here didn't train their dog, but it hated possums and cats- if it smelt one it would hunt them out.
Very honestly - I AM aware that Possums are protected... HOWEVER- Where I live the National Parks rangers aren't interested in relocating or trapping them. After 6 months, I used to take the broom and bash the ceiling each time they started fighting.

I don't care if it is a Cat, Dingo, Possum, Horse, Cow, whatever, it should have been destroyed humanely (quickly, not tortured). Where I was living at the time there was SIXTEEN possums that I counted in the ceiling!!!!

Oh- and the Ranger told me to shoot them... So that will give you an idea of the numbers that are around here. I am not excusing the feelings I have for them, but I know someone else that had one in her wall & she tried to poison it, as it kept her children awake... Someone else up here didn't train their dog, but it hated possums and cats- if it smelt one it would hunt them out.
Do what everyone else does and fix your roof. If you have sixteen possums in your roof and kill them you'll have another sixteen next week
an animal is an animal. doesn't matter if it's a possum, cat, another dog, guinea pig, mouse, rat, whatever. no animal should suffer in death. i agree that possums and other critters around the place can be a pain (ie flying foxes [especially at my place]) but if an animal is to be killed, make it fast, make it painless.
That is absolutely disgusting. I hope a pack of wild dogs attack the people responsible and let them see what it's like.
That is absolutely apalling, some people need to be taught a lesson....
Ok... Now I get flamed!! Lol. I can see that it IS cruel, but having been woken up and kept awake for hours on end for almost 2 years by possums... I can understand why she was that cranky she sikked (spelling??) the dogs on it. They make the LOUDEST noise, chew through your ceiling and then piddle on you, the bed, computer, whatever is under at the time!! On top of that NOTHING is sacred when they can get inside- they trash the kitchen, and pantry... The worst experience I have had with them is one kept coming inside and it would run into my daughter's bedroom & jump onto her bed, waking her.

They can be very cute... providing they are out in the forest where there are NO PEOPLE!!!

Not sure if cranky is the right word...perhaps very angry may be better? Would malicous fit in their as well? I think so.
Look...'something can make us' angry and wanting to get all rowdy, but the malicousness is a form of attack at a creature that meant no harm. It was doing what it naturally does...forage for food....so why be malicous in the attack?
To make her feeeeel better? Sorry, but not acceptable.
Is it just me, or does that thing look way to big for a possum? Those dogs appear to be a kelpies and a labrador cross so are a decent size! The so called possum looks more like a fox to me? It's very hard to tell though from the pictures.
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