poor lil possum

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Do what everyone else does and fix your roof. If you have sixteen possums in your roof and kill them you'll have another sixteen next week

I agree- they just keep on moving in!! Wasn't my house & the Owner had his own way of dealing with them... Which is why I moved out in the end.
Report this person there is enough evidence make sure you keep copys of the photos in case they delete them of there face book.

This is enough evidence to prosecute as they are showing intent to harm the possum.

The more things like this i see the more i dislike the human race.
contact local rspca immedialty,no animal should be killed in such a maner and it makes you wonder if they teach there dogs to do that to another living thing what would it do to a small child who pissed it of, i am so sick of idiots owning animals instead of having the animals put to sleep maybe some people should be
I personally hope that possum had worms.....so now the dogs have worms, and when they lick her face she will have worms too.
Ok... Now I get flamed!! Lol. I can see that it IS cruel, but having been woken up and kept awake for hours on end for almost 2 years by possums... I can understand why she was that cranky she sikked (spelling??) the dogs on it. They make the LOUDEST noise, chew through your ceiling and then piddle on you, the bed, computer, whatever is under at the time!! On top of that NOTHING is sacred when they can get inside- they trash the kitchen, and pantry... The worst experience I have had with them is one kept coming inside and it would run into my daughter's bedroom & jump onto her bed, waking her.

They can be very cute... providing they are out in the forest where there are NO PEOPLE!!!
Poor excuce, ive got possums in my roof
they can be a pain at times but hey come on
I personally hope that possum had worms.....so now the dogs have worms, and when they lick her face she will have worms too.

And there we have it..... The post of the week...

Pure poetry Ash.;)
There are some sick people out there, maybe they should have the hounds released on them...

That is no excuse, whatever the animal may be, even a cat.

It would not have been hard to trap it and then release away from the house or get a wildlife carer to relocate it to somewhere suitable.

The problem with possums, is the survival rate when relocated is not very good, even in New Zealand where there are no natural pedators it's not very good. I don't think the method of soft releasing Possums works much better either.

As a wildlife carer, this boils my blood more than you could imagine.
The animals that survive are usually euth-d, or undergo months of rehab and medication, and are never the same again.
Yeah dog attacks are just horrid.. I did 2 weeks of prac at the Australia Zoo wildlife hospital and there were soo many dog attacks coming in, just torn to shreds.
I kow most people hate cats, but in truth 90% of predation wounds on natives actually come from dogs, in my experience.
I kow most people hate cats, but in truth 90% of predation wounds on natives actually come from dogs, in my experience.
That's because you can see dog attack wounds, cat bites are like a needles and leave no visible trace until death from pasturella
Thats almost as bad as mowing your lawn and killing garden skinks, some ppl really dont care about protected fauna. If you have a problem with a possum call an authorised wildlife person to kill it for you, dont let the dogs do it. If you make your house possum proof that would solve the problem, but wouldnt give anyone a false sense of achievement.

If a dog is catching and killing possums it could probably get a few cats or atleast scare them off, so its not all that bad is it?
I kow most people hate cats, but in truth 90% of predation wounds on natives actually come from dogs, in my experience.

Yeah cats just toy with there victims until they eventually die.You don't get to see the aftermath.
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