poor lil possum

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Poor possum what a way to go! :shock:
what sort of sick people would do that!!
Hope they get in deep poop for that! :evil:
Is it just me, or does that thing look way to big for a possum? Those dogs appear to be a kelpies and a labrador cross so are a decent size! The so called possum looks more like a fox to me? It's very hard to tell though from the pictures.

You can get some pretty big possums. We went camping once and we were sitting around the fire and this massive possum came up and sat beside us for a while. We couldn't believe how big it was.
That's because you can see dog attack wounds, cat bites are like a needles and leave no visible trace until death from pasturella

Cats can cause a nasty wound when they want.

In my opinion, most attacks on native animals come from dogs, but the poor cats always get the blame.
Thats almost as bad as mowing your lawn and killing garden skinks, some ppl really dont care about protected fauna. If you have a problem with a possum call an authorised wildlife person to kill it for you, dont let the dogs do it. If you make your house possum proof that would solve the problem, but wouldnt give anyone a false sense of achievement.

If a dog is catching and killing possums it could probably get a few cats or atleast scare them off, so its not all that bad is it?
I think you will find that is illegal anywhere in the country for any one to kill apossum unless it is for health reasons
typical redneck mentality ...dob her in ...it shows the dogs chasing and hurting if not killing the possum so dob the redneck in ...:evil::evil:......XANDER as far as your hubby going off about you in his facebook ..whats he got to hide that you cant go and look in it huh?:shock:.face book is open to public viewing and as his wife you should be able to view it anytime ....
I think that wwe all get the idea about this thread. It will denegrate into a cat & dog fight....
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