post cap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2004
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what do you guys think of a 10 post per day cap?

i brought this up last night in chat after sifting thru the forums for 30 mins only to read a few things of interest - a waste of my time.

i realise this may restricta few ppl... but for the vast majority it will make them think about what theyre posting b4 they do so

just an idea, i dont expect it to happen
and you :twisted:

there should be a top ten posters list and a top ten useless posters list lol. :D
i do agree to some extent........
some ppl don't do their own research b4 posting questions that have been asked a thousand times b4 - enoying (i have done it to :oops: )
and keep on asking the exact same questions over and over

i don't mind chit chat topics tough, they give you something to laugh about, and everyone who reads it will know that its not about reptiles

as for the posting topics going off topic, well can help that it just happens
I think that there is only really one person we are talking about, and maybe a mod should nicely inform the person of our concerns???
now i can think of multiple lol :lol: :wink:
i vote no post cap (especially on chit chat) - but stay on topic elsewhere - then people who don't want to waste their time can ignore the chit chat stuff

and yes, i know, i've been guilty too :oops:
I think a ten post cap is ridiculous, i think you might have meant something like a 5-10 thread cap? Cause if you meant post cap, ive done that already and its only midday!!
Teamsherman said:
might have meant something like a 5-10 thread cap? Cause if you meant post cap, ive done that already and its only midday!!

yeah same!!
is that bad?

this ounds like a mobile add
but i think that having any sort of cap on threadsa or posts will reduce the people comming on the site dramatically
Could always change the name to "Aussie Pythons and Snakes plus other assorted Nonsense"
Yeah, lets just leave everything as is, if it aint broke, dont fix it i say.

Just ignore the threads/posts that you dont want to read...simple.
can you ignore people in perticular?
is there an ingnore button?
Yep - I do it all the time. It you don't like what a particular member has to say just ignore them. and pretend that they havent even posted.
Sorry couldnt resist.
I just noticed the top ten posters list (Bryony, youre on it, congrats!! :D ) and I have to say I enjoy all of these people's posts, so I reckon no cap. I'd be lucky to make 10 posts a week, but I do enjoy reading over them every morning.

Just my $0.02, nothing personal. :wink:
I'm all for the limit.

Not only should there be a limit but there should be a prerequisite to joining the site that you have to pass a written exam for punctuation and grammar. :shock:

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