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its a very broad spectrum,with deppresive illnesses,
having a laugh for sufferers does help though:D

Had to think about this one, but you're right, it's like any affliction.......... I remember Steady Eddie.... now THERE'S a guy who could really laugh at himself!

It's a human thing, to find humor in anything hard to deal with, as with some of the jokes that emerge at times of tragedy, same thing really.

Laugh WITH or FOR people, but not AT?? That's the main thing.
While it's reprehensible to make fun of someone who has died, heartless as it may seem, i find it easier to have a dig and not feel as bad for people who commit suicide.

To me, it seems like the absolute cowards way out, a permenant solution to a temporary problem. All commiting suicide does it cause unimaginable pain and suffering to the people that cared about you the most. Before all of you jump in "OMG BUNG YOUR HEARTLESS LOL!!!1!!1eleven!!!!111!!!!!!" I would like to point out that I have had experiences in my life. Knew two blokes who killed themselves on separate occasions shortly after we graduated, and a close mate died last year as a result of killing himself.

I guess I find it hard to feel sorry for someone that causes everyone else pain. I do however, find it very easy to feel for the parents/friends/relatives of the person who killed themselves.
All i can say to that Bung is imagine how bad life must suck if you know the pain you are going to cause but feel like there is no other way to deal with it.
and as much as it is making fun....

i also belief that suicide is a holy and exhalted thing.... pure and good

-and i wait to have my beliefs mocked... oh you sad people (for telling to do it then... and calling me sad))
ex-halted... ex (past) halted (stopped)

past stopped = suicide.


And as for EAJ - I love that photo - I did that when I was a wee child too - I cleaned the loo but made a mess of the floor at my grandmothers house... She had great pleasure (god rest her soul) in telling me about the amount of times I messed up her place....
I would like to point out that I have had experiences in my life. Knew two blokes who killed themselves on separate occasions shortly after we graduated, and a close mate died last year as a result of killing himself.

I guess I find it hard to feel sorry for someone that causes everyone else pain. I do however, find it very easy to feel for the parents/friends/relatives of the person who killed themselves.

I would like to point out that knowing someone who has committed suicide is very different to knowing the depression or whatever illness that person is suffering. The pain they feel is incomprehiensible and it is every minute of every day. I feel terribly sorry for them that they feel there is no other way. They don't realise the pain that will be caused to their family and friends, they think everyone is better off without them.
I don't think you are heartless, I just think there is not enough education about mental illnesses and the biggest learning experience is to go through it and I don't wish that upon you or anyone.
I agree, the biggest learning experience would have to be enduring it yourself, however there are so many people out there these days who "think" they have clinical depression or have been misdiagnosed with it.

My wife was "diagnosed" with depression a few years ago. So we started her on the medication they wanted to put her on, and she got gradually worse and worse, until I finally told her to get off the pills, and (thankfully) it worked. She's been off medication for 2 and a half years now, and is a million times better than when she was on the medication.

Obviously this method is not going to work for everyone, my wife obviously didn't have a chemical imbalance etc, but I think that "depression" is so over diagnosed these days it's difficult if not impossible sometimes to determine who legitimately needs help and who just wants a shoulder to cry on.
My father has depression so i have a bit of experience with it. One day he is fine and happy but the next day he might have a down low. It does not stop him from doing anything just gets him down every now and then.

Thats when i take him fishing or something like that. It seems to help.

I am sure ages ago i would of been one to joke around with the whole depression thing but not now knowing what it can actually do to someone. Its not a good thing and is very serious indeed.

To me, it seems like the absolute cowards way out, a permenant solution to a temporary problem. All commiting suicide does it cause unimaginable pain and suffering to the people that cared about you the most.

How, exactly is it the coward's way out when the person has been living with a debilitating illness for many years and is waiting to die a slow and painful death? Or perhaps they have a condition that wastes away their body while their mind remains preserved so that they can conciously watch themselves deteriorate? They should have the right to decide that they do not wish to live in such a condition. We afford the luxury to animals by putting them down to save them from pain and misery but not humans? We should force these people to live through agony just so that we don't have to go through the pain of losing them? Isn't that more of a cowardly act?
How, exactly is it the coward's way out when the person has been living with a debilitating illness for many years and is waiting to die a slow and painful death? Or perhaps they have a condition that wastes away their body while their mind remains preserved so that they can conciously watch themselves deteriorate? They should have the right to decide that they do not wish to live in such a condition. We afford the luxury to animals by putting them down to save them from pain and misery but not humans? We should force these people to live through agony just so that we don't have to go through the pain of losing them? Isn't that more of a cowardly act?
Well said
How, exactly is it the coward's way out when the person has been living with a debilitating illness for many years and is waiting to die a slow and painful death? Or perhaps they have a condition that wastes away their body while their mind remains preserved so that they can conciously watch themselves deteriorate? They should have the right to decide that they do not wish to live in such a condition. We afford the luxury to animals by putting them down to save them from pain and misery but not humans? We should force these people to live through agony just so that we don't have to go through the pain of losing them? Isn't that more of a cowardly act?

EXACTLY what I was about to say....................... some say it's selfish to do such a thing, but how selfish and small is a person to expect a loved one to go through almost daily anguish just to keep everyone else happy. The depressive is a lonely, lonely person, even in a crowd of loved ones, others have each other if that depressive does end their own suffering.
I went through a mate commiting suicide, but it had nothing to do with depression, though I know the kind of things mental illnesses do to you - my dad is bipolar. Mental illnesses are not for joking around.

My friend was mucking around on a construction site, and knocked a brick off and it hit someone square in the head. The ambulance was called and everything, my mate thought he was dead. He ran home and killed himself, must have been thinking he couldn't live knowing what he did. Thing was, the guy who was hit with the brick woke up a few days later with severe brain damage, he wasn't dead.

Suicide isn't something to laugh at either.
I agree, the biggest learning experience would have to be enduring it yourself, however there are so many people out there these days who "think" they have clinical depression or have been misdiagnosed with it.

My wife was "diagnosed" with depression a few years ago. So we started her on the medication they wanted to put her on, and she got gradually worse and worse, until I finally told her to get off the pills, and (thankfully) it worked. She's been off medication for 2 and a half years now, and is a million times better than when she was on the medication.

Obviously this method is not going to work for everyone, my wife obviously didn't have a chemical imbalance etc, but I think that "depression" is so over diagnosed these days it's difficult if not impossible sometimes to determine who legitimately needs help and who just wants a shoulder to cry on.

lots of people that are missed diagnosed with depression, and are given antidepressants, and get worse turn out to be bipolar.
i first went to a shrink before having had any manic episodes... the anit's were BAD....
a few years later mania's started occuring... the failure of the anti's suddenly make sense.

suicide makes you a god
Forensik - Suicide does not make anyone a god. It makes them DEAD. Simple as that.

My mother committed suicide while suffering from bipolar. She sat in a freezer for months before anyone even found out.
She is gone forever, and it has had a profound affect on her children.

Pretty funny hey?? Maybe you you could belittle a woman who died as a result of having the same disease as you.
You cant predict the course your disease will take, and it could very well be you one day..

I wont waste any more effort on your comments, ecept to say please spare us any more of your inane dribble on this topic.

Major depression is an inadvertantly selfish disease. Those who suffer it are so wrapped up in the intense, overwhealming feelings of hopelessness, that they cant take on board the affects of their illness {or suicide) on those around them. It is selfish by nature, but not through malicious intent.
I honestly cannot believe someone would poke fun at suicide..I currently have a friend in hospital who is the lone survivor of a horrific accident, he was on fire, and he had to climb over his mate who was burning and dead on the driver seat so he could survive, and everytime they pull him out of his induced coma he pulls at the tubes in his throat screamign that e wants to die....
Try hearing that about your friend that you've known for years, then try n poke fun at suicide....
I tell ya if you were a friend of mine ''Forensic'' You'de have a rboken nose at the very least.
You Disgust Me
I wonder if people's opinions on this matter are just a little to over directed at a person rather than their beliefs.

Now... Out of all things in the world I can't stand religious fanatics - but I don't diss their beliefs because they're entitled to them.

I won't try to break their noses because i don't believe what they do.

I won't disown them...

I won't tell them where to go...

Maybe I'm some kind of super hero martyr - or maybe I can just sit back, chill a little and disagree or agree with other people's comments.... OMG, I'm so coooooooool (my opinion).
Depression, suicide etc is not a joke. And not everyone who has it likes to joke about it. My husband still makes jokes every now and then about me ( I have depression). Some times I'll have a laugh knowing he is trying to help (sometimes what he says is true), but other times it does get you down & hurts. I have battled this horrible disease for a number of years now and not once have I ever contemplated suicide. To me it's not an option. I have a beautiful little boy that makes even breathing a joy. there is no way I would ever consider leaving him motherless. But some people feel there is no other option - everyone is different and the feelings etc you experience are all individual. No-one should be bagged or feel ashamed for it. Some days can and have been a tortorous struggle, but I refuse to be defeated. It is something that I just have to learn to deal with. Unfortunately that includes living with those individuals out there (not naming anyone - not just people on this site ) who like to have a dig. Depression is a serious matter, and people with depression do enjoy to have a laugh, but not always at their own expense. I'd never wish this disease on anybody, not even a worse enemy.
While it's reprehensible to make fun of someone who has died, heartless as it may seem, i find it easier to have a dig and not feel as bad for people who commit suicide.

To me, it seems like the absolute cowards way out, a permenant solution to a temporary problem. All commiting suicide does it cause unimaginable pain and suffering to the people that cared about you the most. Before all of you jump in "OMG BUNG YOUR HEARTLESS LOL!!!1!!1eleven!!!!111!!!!!!" I would like to point out that I have had experiences in my life. Knew two blokes who killed themselves on separate occasions shortly after we graduated, and a close mate died last year as a result of killing himself.

I guess I find it hard to feel sorry for someone that causes everyone else pain. I do however, find it very easy to feel for the parents/friends/relatives of the person who killed themselves.

some times it may be "the cowards way out" sometimes not.
I suffer a debilitating illness called Fibromyalgia, which imposes constant pain, day in, day out,
I've suffered for over 5 years now, and the thought of another 40 or 50 years of that? one day it'll probably prove too much for me, and anyone who dares call me a coward for taking the "easy" way out, I'll come back and haunt.

what may seem like an easy solution to you, may not to others, most people survive a friend or family member who ends their own life, remember, it's their life, their choice, their reasons, it's not for you to judge harshly if they choose to end it.

and while it may pain others to lose someone, such is life, we all die, we all cause and are caused pain at some time, it may be selfish that someone choose to take their life, but it is doubly selfish for survivors to hold them to tasks because they lost someone, you might want to remember that.

I used to feel the same as you long ago, after losing a friend, for a long time I felt that way, now I understand why some people feel they can't take it any more, sure, some people can be helped, but some, will be caused nothing but more suffering, it's a damn fine line some times.

I sure wouldn't want someone dying of cancer, in massive unbearable agony to hold on until their body fails if they don't want to go through that, and i see it no differently with mental agony, it's a personal choice. but one that shouldn't be rushed either.

They don't realise the pain that will be caused to their family and friends, they think everyone is better off without them.
don't you believe that for a second, I doubt that's the case in most situations, I'm sure they know exactly how much they'll be missed.

and even with all this, I don't knock people who do have a laugh at it, it's their way of dealing with mortality, it may hurt my feelings, or yours, or other peoples, but hey, toughen up a little, life is pain, get used to it.
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