R.I.P. water dragons

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sometimes i think these reptile licences should be stricter, do a min 2 week course on owning and caring for reptiles...
sometimes i think these reptile licences should be stricter, do a min 2 week course on owning and caring for reptiles...

I agree. All you have to do is apply and pay and wham, bam, thank you ma'am, you have one! I know that one of the pet shops here runs courses and so does a local reptile keeper, something like that should be compulsory.
Please do not have kids. You might leave them unattended in the car?

I was only playing pokies for 15 minutes.
Gee, 27 years old you have never made a mistake or a dumb decision. You are genius but you just don't know what's ahead of you.

Waterrat, dont judge unless you have facts... Magruba gave the facts in his own words and has been judged. Clearly ive made mistakes but never as stupid as to cause the death of a animal or any other life .. sorry but using common sense isnt to hard unless your a 6 yr old. Who in there right mind would trap a animal/s in a bucket and put it in the sun ? common, grow up already.
I thought it was debatable to whether or not they needed UV?

Bad mistake mate and you paid the highest price, but I suppose ou don't need to be told that. I'm stunned that your dragon hasn't suffered a similiar fate. But what was going through your head? Couldn't you see the dangers?
sorry if this has already been answered but i got to here and had to say this...Beardies NEED UV no debate at all mate. if they dont get UV then they cannot utilise the calcium that you should be giving them as an additive to their food and this causes massive problems, which if caught in time can be fixed with the correct daily doses of uv (approx. 12-14 hrs) and calcium & vitamin suppliments at the correct amounts, however by the time a newbie sees there is an issue its usally too late.

i say that all keepers of reptiles should be made to go to a course to assure they know the basics, and i know that a lot of people on this site are well past that stage but it would sure stop problems like the lizard in bucket issue and someone thinking UVB and UVA are debatable issues for bearded dragons.:shock:
Un lucky mate not a way to finish up the year hope you learned from this experience all you can do is move on and research abit more on what you can and can't do with you're reptiles
Surely when the OP posted he wasn't expecting 20,000 members to be sympathetic, if you post something like that you are going to get backlash hence why people thought he was trolling...Personally if I had done that I wouldn't be posting about it on a forum given it's borderline animal cruelty. Keep it to yourself, learn from your mistake. If you were looking for reassurance and sympathy I think the tribe has spoken and the mojority aren't going to offer it up!

It sucks it happened, you made a rookie mistake that could have easily been avoided had you read a book and learnt something about the animals you were caring for. I'm pretty sure you won't do it again and lesson learnt!
Putting aside my concerns, and if you genuinely believe you made mistakes, then ask yourself why? What care information have you got that is specific to Australian water dragons? Did you assume that the care information for bearded dragons was the same for all dragons? Did you come up with the plastic bucket idea or did someone else....

The bottom line is that the mistakes you made were based on a lack of information, incorrect information or poor assumptions. I was simply pointing out some of those. You need to rectify your understandings if you wish to successfully keep reptiles of any variety. If you want some good references for water dragons, I will gladly PM you some excellent and comprehensive sources.

It is not that I don’t empathise with your loss. And I am certainly not innocent - I have made my share of mistakes in my time. And when I have made mistakes that were eminently avoidable I have deserved a good kick in the butt. Rest assured, I am a lot harsher on myself when I make an avoidable mistake than I have been with you.

The bottom line is, analyse what happened and why, then take the necessary steps so that it will never happen again. That aside, I am sorry for your loss.

Leave the guy alone.... There are several members on this site who are guy,Ty of far worse. Myself included.

On a a hot, wet seasons day after cleaning my herps, I accidentally left my curtains open, exposing my herpes tondirect sunlight for about 5 hours. My single thermostat (lazily hooked upnto not one, but two banks of enclosures) decided to fail on the same da. When I returned, literally both banks were full of dead herps. (20+) goannas, elapids and pythons.

At least the guy has shownnthe initiative and strength of mind to learn and share his experiences.

Me? Well, I had a mental breakdown and locked my herp room for the next 3 months.

This bloke deserves your support, not the flaming and abuse typical of aps who have only been keeping a year or two!!!
Enough said. I feel this member has more than learnt a hard lesson.
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