Setting up hatchies?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Central Coast NSW
Im getting a hatchling carpet python soon and need some tips and
a bit of guidence..


1) Will a plastic enclosure with a heat mat make a suficient house for a while?

2) What else will i need other than a water dish and a hide and a branch?

3) Is one pinkie a week, ok? or to often?

4) Anything i have missed?

Thats all for the moment..

Thanks guys..
Anyone else got some tips or ideas?

Where can i get or what is the best type of plastic tub type enclosure?

The best place to get advice is from the breeder. They cannot be successful as breeders unless they know how to look after them.

(This is one of the main reasons we set up the Herp Trader originally. We wanted to create the right forum to put breeders in contact with prospective herp owners. The pet store is the right place to buy your herp equipment and supplies but when it comes to the animals you need to get them from somebody who knows and can offer good advice based on experience. For most people this is a breeder - and not a pet store.)
I would never take advice on herps from a pet store....

But i just thought this site would be a quick way to get some ideas and advice.. One of the reasons this site was made..LOL

I dont know any big breeders around here... other than "big guy".. but i dont have his details and have never spoken to him before...
Gilleni said:
I would never take advice on herps from a pet store....

But i just thought this site would be a quick way to get some ideas and advice.. One of the reasons this site was made..LOL

I dont know any big breeders around here... other than "big guy".. but i dont have his details and have never spoken to him before...

Actually I think Bob would be a good person to talk to (and buy your animals from - he advertises on the Herp Trader ;-). As breeders go he is one of the most successful in Australia.
Hi Gilleni :)
Most people opt for plastic containers called 'Click Clacks' and the size that they use is almost a 6Lt capacity.
I have found these available at some plastic storage container shops and alike, so you might like to give them a buzz. Or, Bunnings in NZ stock them (they are a product of NZ) so I don't see why their special orders desk can't get them in for you. They cost around the $18 mark.
I actually use those pet carry type containers - you know, the ones that you can keep fish, or mice, or geckos in etc? I have those set up on the heat mat with the hide over the heatmat end and the waterbowl in the cool end. The reason why I use these containers is so that I didn' need to rush my childreni into 2' enclosures the second that they grew coz these containers are much larger than the click clacks ;)
Yeah those plastic carrying ones are what i was wanting as they are clear and look nicer than most tubs, and they are bigger than a click clack..

I saw some click clacks at a pet shop for $45...

Thanks Bek...
You're welcome ;)
Oh, and when I first got my childreni as hatchies, I was feeding them a pinky mouse every friday evening, but now that they're older they get a much larger food item but every 3 to 4ish weeks. Don't know whether some people would agree with me on that feeding schedule, but my guys are growing, but aren't majorly overweight or looking out of proportion ;)
I've got coastal hatchlings at the moment, once you've cover the basic's: cage, hide, water & branch the only thing you have to worry about is keeping the pinkies up to them and having a good supply of frozen ones.
Good luck once they start feeding they don't look back, enjoy the first shed to see what there going to colour up like. :)
All sounds good, just make sure the heat mat is underneath the enclosure instead of inside though, don't want any nasty avoidable accidents happening!
I'd drop the regular handling bit until you've got the hatchling settled in for at least 2 weeks and feeding fine for you. Many people that have feeding problems with hatchlings are overhandling their snakes. With any hatchlings here, we don't handle more than once a week.

If you are having problems feeding, you may need to cover the clear plastic around some of the tub, some hatchlings feel insecure in this.
One thing worth mentioning too - carpet hatchies often like reasonable sized meals, even from their first feeds - I usually start them on fuzzies or even very small weaners - just big enough to put a very small lump in their tummy, and no more than every 7-10 days. My feeling is that the occasional good sized meal is good for the development of their head/swallowing apparatus, just don't go over the top...

Good luck, Jamie.
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