Snake on the loose

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Not so new Member
Feb 4, 2013
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Hi people have an issue with my blonde spotted python he is not in his enclousure.... I have returned home from a day out to find it empty know i have just built the enclousure so he has been in it since last night ,the only way i can see how he got out was between the 2 glass doors the gap is about 4mm he is about 35 -40cm i wouldn't have thought he would have fit as his as thick as my thumb . I have had a good look for him but nothing has anyone been through this and have any tips ideas to help me . I mean if he got out through that gap between the glass he could be anywhere
Leave the cage open. Turn all heating off in the room but leave the enclosure's heating on. It will create a warm spot and that is where he will most likely head to. Leave a prey item in his cage as well or on the floor on a heat mat. Also put a small hide on the heatmat, he will most likey go insode once he has(If he does) eaten the mouse.
Put talcom powder across the doorways and windows and then you can see what room he has moved to. It is very easy to track them this way so you don't waste your time looking in the wrong room!
Pull couches apart, check every nook and cranny. Look behind furniature, inside boxes, in paper stacks, inside anything lying around. It will take a long time to look through everything but they usually turn up in a few hours :p

Make sure you do a thorough look around the door before opening it as he has a chance to slip out. Warm, dark cozy places are the most likely. Good luck! I hope you find him, it is scary times losing a scaley buddy.
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Snakes are more active at night so you may have luck spotlighting him later... My other trick is to put a line of sand across the doorways so if he does go out of a room and into another without you knowing you have a trail on the sand. Goodluck!
Do what snarky said in the first half.

my hatchet escaped, well I left the lid off. So I put the click clack on the floor with the heat on and in the morning she was back where she should be.

also a frog got out one morning, it could have been anywhere so I waited until night and went to the bathroom to find it hopping across the floor.

they are al creature of habit which can mostly be predicted.

hope you find it soon
Cheers for the ideas guys but my son just found him in one of his shoes in his wardrobe about 3 meters away from his cage ....atleast we done some spring cleaning lol..... Just stoked we have him back gap between glass has been filled with blue tac i can have a beer and relax know.
most likely you will find it at night wondering around looking for food and warmth. alos look behind the enclosure and work your way from the enclosure, since he is so small you need to look in everything.

i'd make sure all windows and doors are closed and any gaps sealed so he does not get out of the house also check air con by turning it up on cold will flush him out if he is in their (i had one hide in my air con).

could also defrost a rat/ mouse and leave it on the floor at night and watch or in his enclosure, the smell might draw him out.

good luck
glad you found him. he might be able to push the blue tac so be careful
"There's a snake in my boot!" :lol:

Glad you found him! :D
mate get some coles bags and put them everywhere turn off the lights and wait for noise then turn lights on and escapee found, worked for me on more than a couple of occasions
I'm paranoid as his gone back into a click clack for a while longer.
lol glad u found him. I had a similar situation with a stimson once only i found him behind a mirror high up on a wall ! lol and they say they dont climb :p
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