snake ranch website update

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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do they evr update their website cause it still has the october news
anyone know?
haha i just wish they had their website like sxr cause theirs is really good
i was thinking the same thing last night actually, doesnt seem to be many upgrades. some better pictures of some of there stunners would be nice. possibly have an easy to use site. not having a shot but i do find it to be one of the most difficult sites to navigate.... just trying to find 'members' price list is a night mare! half the time i cant be bothered.
If you sign up for their newsletters they email you current prices of what is available
I've signed up to there newsletter and only got it once, since then there has been nothing. I also asked some prices since i had no price list recently and never got a reply, not badmouthing i think they breed some beautiful snakes and ill most likely buy from them in the future just would be good to get prices occasionaly.
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