Snakes not recommended as pets

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Depends on your definition of "pet".

  1. a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure.
    "the pony was a family pet"
Not convinced that captive bred snakes meet the definition of 'tamed' though the rest of it fits
We have to be careful about not confusing behavioural changes of an animal that we have chosen to confine in a box with that of a wild animal when we are defining if a snake is called a "pet".

However in saying that, there are exceptions to every rule or situation so each to their own.
In no way can they be called tamed. Tolerant maybe but anyone who thinks they have tamed their snake is a bloody fool in my opinion.
I had a woma that was toilet trained, just kidding, but sometimes when you put him on the ground he would take a crap.
This is more common than you’d think, put them on the grass a 3-4 days after eating and they’ll take a dump within 5minutes

And people do have the gaul to call this training. Gee..........Its called bloody movement and nature taking its course. Guess what, its got naff all to do with the grass or being outside. Put them on the lounge carpet and see if they do the same.
Snakes have reptilian brains, which aren't wired for affection, but they can be beautifully ambivalent...
And people do have the gaul to call this training. Gee..........Its called bloody movement and nature taking its course. Guess what, its got naff all to do with the grass or being outside. Put them on the lounge carpet and see if they do the same.
Idk about you but my snakes never crapped on me or any furniture, only in his enclosure and on grass
For sure, but I’m just saying snakes tend to crap as soon as they go on the grass
As had been stated before. It likely has nothing to do with the grass and is more so the movement that makes it happen.

Why is it that questions you have been given answers for are repeated by you and statements that are completely incorrect and have been corrected by others with vastly more experience than yourself, are still being pedalled by you as fact.
Ask a question, take the advice on board and move on. The way you are going no-one will want to give you advice at all, no-one of substance anyway.
I guess it’s whatever floats your boat .
Spiders , dogs , snakes . I’ve seen ants for sale on gum tree and other web sites so i guess a good pet is some thing that interest you in keeping ...

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well said.... Dont let others dictate what pets you should get... otherwise, Might as well get an instruction on How to Live.

I have snakes & majority of my family and friends thinks Im weird. Others say I worship satan because of my serpents.
I think they are very cool, my favourite creatures in the world, and it all comes down to the individual's interests... as long as we are not breaking the law, should be able to express freely.
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