Some people have it so easy....

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Ahhhh....yes, perhaps my next thread will be.......what is hardship....what is bad are you off, compared to others....LOL.....well, I am running out of topics !! :lol:
I'm Insane and babyish,
Know where you're coming from all jokes aside.
I never claimed that my life was particularly hard or how 'bad my life is', (I am actually in a great place most of the time and would never call my life bad). Perhaps I worded the title wrong which meant the thread content became lost in translation. Nor did I intend this thread to be entirely about my own hardships apart from when I was asked. I think mad_at_arms pretty much summed up my point in a sentence, a point that was probably lost among my 'rant (babyish? lol) like typing':

I think the point is more about those that take the easy way, still suckling the parents money teat but have the audacity to think they have a fair grasp on living in the "real" world.
Temerity is the word you are looking for. Means cheek, audacity. Tenacity is what you need - stickability, perseverance.
Moot describes an argument (noun) ergo adjective. Eg. This is a moot point.

Type it into google and look at the first entry...


| style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" | Adjective:
| style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" |

| Subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision.

[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
| style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" | Verb:
| style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" |

| Raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility).

[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
| style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" | Synonyms:
| style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" | adjective. debatable - disputable - controversial - arguable
verb. discuss - debate - dispute - canvass - talk over - argue


Actually, it depends on how you use the word argument, it can either be an adverb or an adjective...
Temerity is the word you are looking for. Means cheek, audacity. Tenacity is what you need - stickability, perseverance.

Audacity was the word I was after, not tenacity, my bad. I wrote 6000 words today for an assignment so my internal dictionary/thesaurus is a little muddled, lol... damn assignments!
And with that being said, i will not be moving until my mother doesnt need me anymore
And while it's been said that many people wouldn't date someone living with their parents, i'd much sooner date you (or the idea of you, being that I don't know you) than someone living on their own, bludging off the government.
Living at home or not is irrelevant, there's entitled little ****s in every walk of life.
Just because they live at home doesn't mean that have it easy, and just because they have it easy doesn't make them worth any less. It's all about attitude.

Also, loving the discussion on vocab. Honestly. Is that sad?
Ummmm...ok...a noun is a naming word and a adjective is a doing word.....I think that's about all I know !!! :lol: A verb....ummmm, I used to know what they were....but can't remember right at the moment !!! :rolleyes: Yep, I'm real ejamakated !!! :rolleyes:
Ummmm...ok...a noun is a naming word and a adjective is a doing word.....I think that's about all I know !!! :lol: A verb....ummmm, I used to know what they were....but can't remember right at the moment !!! :rolleyes: Yep, I'm real ejamakated !!! :rolleyes:

Anoun is a naming word.
An adjective describes a noun.
A verb is a doing word.
An adverb describes a verb.
I worked full time from ages 15-18 and never once claimed a benefit in that time. The only reason I am at uni is so I can have a guaranteed career which would mean I would never ever have to rely on Centrelink payments ever again. In saying that, the only reason I have ever accepted payments is to sufficiently support my child. Also, I received a small insurance payout which was given to my son and I after my husband passed away 3 years ago.

Ok can see your point in regards to uni. I am sorry to hear about your husband, that's very sad.
However I believe having a child is the same as having any pet, you need to be able to provide financially for both. There are always cases out there that do need assistance and yours may very well be one of them. I get more frustrated with the single mums who kids go without just do they can get their fags and booze.
Just to give you an idea how strongly I feel about this, I fell pregnant about six years ago, I was not financially secure to have a child, nor did I have the support of the father and as I mentioned no assistance from centerlink. So I did what I believe what was right for me in that situation, (it involves a short visit to a clinic) I am sure alot of people will disagree, but I would not of being able to provide properly. This was not done lightly and certainly effected me for years to come.
Please Everyone A Forum Is A Place To Share, Instead Of Causing ****, Just Reply If You Can Relate To This Situation, People Need To Vent, And This Is One Of Those Times, I Hate To Be An ***, But I've Seen To Much Bashing On The Forums, Even If I've Not Been Here Long, See? A Vent There, Just Chill Everyone :)
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