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Not so new Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hi all,

Knowing how hard it is, if not impossible to get some nice GTP´s in Oz, here´s one of mine. She is a Wameniak (Biak * Wamena) of the first generation. This year we breed the next generation using a High Yellow Biak bloodline. It´s gonna be very excited.
Cheers Mark

now why would you go and tease us like that? that's just mean. Is that its mature colour? if so then that is a high yellow
Wow nice mate.
We are having better acces to gtp lately here in oz.
Not that good like you in Netherland but. When I am going to Europe next year, I should pay you visit.
Yes slatey, pay him a visit but make sure you come back with only 1 snake in your trousers!!!
Beautiful mate, we can get them here, you just need a lot of money!
Thanks all for the nice words!
I did add some pics of her during colourchange.

[quote="cwarren72" Is that its mature colour? if so then that is a high yellow[/quote]

Hi Warren, Biaks and Biak designers will change colour for at least 3-5 years. Even after this period the change colour a bit. I´ll post some pictures of my High Yellow Biaks too :wink:.

Cheers Mark


Just when i had talked myself out of getting one you go and tease me like this. Look at those different colours! Did it start out red with spots?
On the down side, is it true that that pose you have there is all they do? Just sit there on their perch?
junglemad said:
On the down side, is it true that that pose you have there is all they do? Just sit there on their perch?

During daytime they hang always in this pose. At nighttime they are more actieve, specially when they are hungry. Then they use their tail as a lure with their head hanging down. During matingseason they become very restless at nighttime, specially the males.
OMG they look sooo mad, i want1. Zieke jus zitten hier en houden dromend, lol :lol:
moosenoose said:
Smuggle em in Mark!!!! ;) Better price sold here per pound than Heroin! hehehe (jokes - perhaps!) Beaut looking snakes you have there :D

Well what about a trade swab :roll:. Some designer GTP´s for Albino Darwins or Imbricata´s..... (I know it´s not possible but never mind dreaming a bit)...
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