Spotted Python Gone Crary PLEASE HELP

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Not so new Member
Feb 13, 2013
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Hi I have a 2 year old female spotted python, I took her outside for the first time 2 days ago after seeing photos of other peoples outside. She seemed to really enjoy it but today I tried to take her out of her tank and she was really angry. I know snakes an be cranky but she was different today. She didn't like anything touching her, the hook my hand nothing or she would try and dart away and strike. She has never been the friendliest snake but she is usually ok when she is full. She ate 2 small rats a week ago and doesn't seem hungry. She also feels really warm/hot (usually she is a little cool) but she is able to get right away from the heat source (a heat mat under a hide). Sorry for the long story but I am worried she is my first snake and was fine 2 days ago.
Something has obviously scared her from the experience. I'd leave her completely alone for the night so she can settle in her normal safe place (which is her enclosure) and then tomorrow try again with a hook. She may still be scared but you will have to show her that everything is fine. Snakes are creatures of habit, so if you handle her as you normally would with just as much confidence as you had previously, she will calm down and will remember that your handling is not a threat.
Thanks I was worried cause it was her first time outside and she is my first snake ( I have had her since she was a hatchling) I didn't hold her yesterday so I thought she would have settled down by today but she is hiding now and I will leave her alone :)
She could be in shed mode ? Are her eyes cloudy or skin dull ? Or it's her first time going outside. She might be afraid ?
That's ok, I think the main thing is that you don't become scared of her now. She might bite you if she is scared, but trust me, they don't hurt that much its just the shock of the speed of the bite is worse than the pain. I would rather 20 antaresia bites over one budgie bite :-S
Don't be disappointed by her being like this, and as long as you are confident with handling her she should go back to normal.
I did the same thing about 8 years ago with my first stimson. The only time she ever panicked or got cranky was going outside, but she got over it and ended up enjoying going outside :)
That's ok, I think the main thing is that you don't become scared of her now. She might bite you if she is scared, but trust me, they don't hurt that much its just the shock of the speed of the bite is worse than the pain. I would rather 20 antaresia bites over one budgie bite :-S
Don't be disappointed by her being like this, and as long as you are confident with handling her she should go back to normal.
I did the same thing about 8 years ago with my first stimson. The only time she ever panicked or got cranky was going outside, but she got over it and ended up enjoying going outside :)
She has bitten me before (and drawn blood) so I'm not afraid of the bite I just was worried she had gotten ill or something. SHe mught shed soon I didn't notice her been particularly blue but she is about ready for a shed so maybe...
I think something spooked her 4 sure. Its a whole new world out there and very different to her cosy enclosure. :) or she may be coming in2 shed as the others have mentioned.
How has she been in the last few days?
I got her out today and she was back to normal (yay) thanks for your help everyone I was pretty worried :) when do you think I should try and take her back outside again?(should I wait a while or try again soon?)
That's good to hear :)
I think that she will be fine to go outside again, but it might sound strange but, while you are outside with her, just hold her in your hands while youre outside. Do that a few times, then let her crawl around on the ground (or where ever you wanted to let her go) but keep a hold of her. Then after you've done that a few times you might be able to let her go by herself while you watch over but don't have to keep a hold of her. If you do it that way she should get used to it without getting scared.
Or it could have been a one time thing and she might not have a problem with it again lol.
They are creatures of habit, like I mentioned, and if they get used to situations with a positive experience each time, they stress less.
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