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I have no problem at all with people voicing their individual opinions at all. What I do mind is people attacking others with insults, that they obviously don’t care about an animal that accidentally escapes, calling people idiots, insulting another’s intelligence, etc. I think an example of intelligence and maturity is being able to argue contradicting views without the nastiness. We are not all going to agree, and a lot of the time we all need to agree to disagree. But do it nicely. That’s really the only problem I have.
That and the whole text talk. I have one or 2 people on Facebook who do that a lot and I have no bloody idea what the hell they are on about, a lot of people who talk that way are the same age as me, but you’d think once you’re in your 20’s you’d kind of grow out of that. I just stare blankly at the screen trying to work it all out. But it is rather rewarding when I finally figure it out I have to admit.
Well...i was after some advice/help ???:shock: who gives a **** about how/why it got out/why i put a live rat in a sealed tank in the car to lure the animal/why is toadie still in neighbours...

Funny thing is, someone posted a story about 2 snakes locking up due to feeding in the same enclosure & copped less ****..

It's not normal, i had never encountered people who carry on like this until i got the internet!!!
You got your advice ...and help in one ...advice was your actions were of a goose,thinking your snake would be ok in a car un restrained (not in a tub or bag ) and help was leave the snake in a locked tub or bag if needed to take in your car .....
what more did you want >?:lol::lol::lol:

I totally agree with this thread Gordo has done guys fail to understand at one stage or another one of us has put up a ask a stupid question or did a stupid thing ...and was given the APS warm friendly posts too ....we dont cry about it ,we know it would cop a fair bit of flaming too ...but thats what this is all about ...get commended when things are good ,helped out when things are genuine and when you do a STUPID ACTION with your reptiles ...YOU GET FLAMED AND SHOWN how much of a thick head you have been ..take it all in and absorb it ,,,it will make you stronger more aware as a person .....

People that live in the land of sweet things and everything candified.........end up with lifes CAVATIES ....
i personly fink dat da spelin shud be fixed bcoz some ppl just get 2 out of hand and u cant understnd it.

Nah, seriously i see where you are coming from, some people get too offended and some of the typing is just too out of hand. Good thread. P.S am I allowed to write nah?
haha we now have the spelling police on the forum ..(not that we never did) i personally dont get my knickers in a knot about peoples spelling.. Everyone that seems to tell ppl off about their spelling are either parents, over 50 or just cant spend the time to read the new generations spelling. big woop.. hahaha you big sooks...maybe another forum should be posted.. ANYONE WHO MISSPELLS CAN SPEND A NIGHT AT WARUIKAZIS TO LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE. hahahaha... thats right internet shows no real consequence.
m_beardie...NO!!! DO NOT WRITE "NAH".. cant you see...they say NO..They only use NAH when they have been drinking.because its okay then. hahahaha
Re: original post; it's all good in theory.
Like socialism. It sounds lovely, everyone working together like a happy family. But then the pigs start stealing all the milk and apples, and internet forum threads turn to rubbish almost instantly. And we all know what happens after that :(

All we have to do then is cull those pigs.

Couldn't agree more Gordo, nuttin werse then: lousy spelink an gramma. Though, basic courtesy and manners are in equally short supply on this forum at times. One certainly doesn't have to mean or cruel to point out how idiotic a thread is. ;)

Calls for a:

gr8 idear gords this is a kool fred 2 b read'n anni argree noice postage
I have no problem at all with people voicing their individual opinions at all. What I do mind is people attacking others with insults, that they obviously don’t care about an animal that accidentally escapes, calling people idiots, insulting another’s intelligence, etc. I think an example of intelligence and maturity is being able to argue contradicting views without the nastiness. We are not all going to agree, and a lot of the time we all need to agree to disagree. But do it nicely. That’s really the only problem I have.
That and the whole text talk. I have one or 2 people on Facebook who do that a lot and I have no bloody idea what the hell they are on about, a lot of people who talk that way are the same age as me, but you’d think once you’re in your 20’s you’d kind of grow out of that. I just stare blankly at the screen trying to work it all out. But it is rather rewarding when I finally figure it out I have to admit.

I agree. Adhominym attacks are pretty unnecesary.
Haha we now have the spelling police on the forum ..(Not that we never did) i personally don't get my knickers in a knot about peoples' spelling.. Everyone that seems to tell people off about their spelling are either parents, over 50 or just can't spend the time to read the new generations spelling. Big woop.. Hahaha you big sooks...maybe another forum should be posted.. ANYONE WHO MISSPELLS CAN SPEND A NIGHT AT WARUIKAZI'S TO LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE. Hahahaha... That's right internet shows no real consequence.

I'll ad that teachers hate poor spelling and grammar too. My personal irrate is the apostrophe s.

So when are you coming over? :p

The one thing that really irritates me and makes me think significantly less of people is when they start busting out threats. I think that really shows firstly that their argument never held any ground in the first place (otherwise why would you need to threaten someone to make them take your side?) And it really really shows the individuals maturity level, it's like what are you 10 years old?
This is what i am saying. This is a forum, people are going to have differing opinions and if someone has one that doesn't match with yours then that is fine. I recon 5 pages of differing thoughts and opinions is waaaay more interesting and worth patiscipating in than a couple of pages of people agreeing with each other and blowing smoke up each others noses.

I'll say it again, this is an internet forum not real life. Anything said here is of no real consequence.

Opinions are fantastic, they can open people up to concepts they may never even known existed.

What i was referring to was a thread that asked: who's doing what for halloween. if people were doing nothing -"walk" away, there is no need to jump in with a huge tirade on how its all american BS, etc. In fact, I wouldnt have minded even if people had some intelligent reasoning behind not participating in halloween. but "yanks = crap" is hardly intelligent debate. or when a member was corrected on the actual origins of halloween their very intelligent response: "Don't care where it originated, it doesn't belong in OZ, never has, never will. It has been tried through the media with a HUGE FAIL!!! geddit?"

Now I would call that rude.

there is intellgent debate on one hand, and then there is plain rude arrogance, and people just trying to prove how superior they are (or think they are) by belittling other peoples ideas.

and yes, the other day i did ask someone not to post in my thread. perhaps a little arrogant of me? but they had picked out one aspect of a comment in the thread and basically called everyone idiots for having a certain opinion, and did not offer any help or advice on the original topic, and tried to turn the thread into a debate on a completely different topic.

there are ways of presenting differing opinions and ideas, that dont need to come across as arrogant or rude. a lot of people just need a lesson in manners.

if your post or "opinion" has no relevance to the topic, or answer the question being asked, but its something you feel strongly about - why cant you start your own thread about it?

(also, completely agree on using correct language. but people could be a little more forgiving on honest typos and non-captalisation or lack of apostrophes in contractions etc =D obviously my lazy points......)
the thing I hate the most is that so many members think its ok to let there cats out, and that hunting feral cats is mean, if you love reptiles you should believe in cats being locked up, all cats outside owners land should be humanely killed! everyone with a true love of australian wildlife will agree.
... all cats outside owners land should be humanely killed! everyone with a true love of australian wildlife will agree.

Umm no they won't-.

Everyone with a macho redneck attitude may agree though.

A true love of Australian wildlife ? Oh so now it's culture based bigotry and not international ?

Look what you have started Gordo- now everyone has decided this is the place to vent.

My turn:

I think people who think that humanely killing wandering cats , for the sake of our national cultural heritage, should be humanely killed by wandering cats .

Bring it.

My cat and I are ready to get medieval.
Well i don't think i participated in that thread so i wont go into specifics. But if you asked the question what is everyone doing for halloween i think it is quite acceptable that members respond to your thread with 'Nothing' and explain why they are doing nothing. Even if you think their reason for doing nothing is stupid they absolutely are entitled to hold those views and participate in your thread with them.

But then, like i said in the original post in this thread, you are totally working within the rules to tell them what they said is stupid and why it is stupid.

If you still find yourself getting upset with what they are saying nd responding with then perhaps it is time to take a break and realise that it is just the internet and not real life.

Opinions are fantastic, they can open people up to concepts they may never even known existed.

What i was referring to was a thread that asked: who's doing what for halloween. if people were doing nothing -"walk" away, there is no need to jump in with a huge tirade on how its all american BS, etc. In fact, I wouldnt have minded even if people had some intelligent reasoning behind not participating in halloween. but "yanks = crap" is hardly intelligent debate. or when a member was corrected on the actual origins of halloween their very intelligent response: "Don't care where it originated, it doesn't belong in OZ, never has, never will. It has been tried through the media with a HUGE FAIL!!! geddit?"

Now I would call that rude.

there is intellgent debate on one hand, and then there is plain rude arrogance, and people just trying to prove how superior they are (or think they are) by belittling other peoples ideas.

and yes, the other day i did ask someone not to post in my thread. perhaps a little arrogant of me? but they had picked out one aspect of a comment in the thread and basically called everyone idiots for having a certain opinion, and did not offer any help or advice on the original topic, and tried to turn the thread into a debate on a completely different topic.

there are ways of presenting differing opinions and ideas, that dont need to come across as arrogant or rude. a lot of people just need a lesson in manners.

if your post or "opinion" has no relevance to the topic, or answer the question being asked, but its something you feel strongly about - why cant you start your own thread about it?

(also, completely agree on using correct language. but people could be a little more forgiving on honest typos and non-captalisation or lack of apostrophes in contractions etc =D obviously my lazy points......)
t it is just the internet and not real life.

what ?

This is not real life ?

I wondered what those moving green things were outside my window.

Oh my god ...THEY'RE TREES !!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though- the best thing you can do when you get a little angry is type your response but DON'T SEND IT.

then walk away, have a little break, then come back and read your reply again- then realise you are too hardcore for this planet, edit your post to say something nice and pack back into the scrum.

Otherwise you're just a hooker with no fullback. ;)
Umm no they won't-.

Everyone with a macho redneck attitude may agree though.

No people who love wildlife and want to be able to see it in the future and have there kids see it have my view.

A true love of Australian wildlife ? Oh so now it's culture based bigotry and not international ?

I don't care about international things, I only care about Australia at the moment as its my favourite country and I love the flora and fauna

Look what you have started Gordo- now everyone has decided this is the place to vent.


My turn:

I think people who think that humanely killing wandering cats , for the sake of our national cultural heritage, should be humanely killed by wandering cats .

Sounds good but I doubt a cat will win, it can try though

Bring it.

My cat and I are ready to get medieval.

Atleast you had a civilized reply instead of, I hope you get run over, but still cats don't belong outside, I am very bored and up for an argument so we can keep going if you want lol but it will get repetetive like it always does, I just want to change peoples views and make them lock there cats up. Also please don't use the big words, remember I am redneck macho or whatever you called me :lol:
How can I possibly argue, after reading your post I just wanna drape myself in the Aussie flag, crank the Cold Chisel and start pounding brews..... from the back of my ute.

You gotta try WAY harder than that to have the privilege of being eloquently flamed by this little black duck.

Baby Steps- you'll be right tiger.
Umm no they won't-.

Everyone with a macho redneck attitude may agree though.

No people who love wildlife and want to be able to see it in the future and have there kids see it.

A true love of Australian wildlife ? Oh so now it's culture based bigotry and not international ?

I don't care about international things, I only care about Australia at the moment as its my favourite country and I love the flora and fauna

Look what you have started Gordo- now everyone has decided this is the place to vent.


My turn:

I think people who think that humanely killing wandering cats , for the sake of our national cultural heritage, should be humanely killed by wandering cats .

Sounds good but I doubt a cat will win, it can try though

Bring it.

My cat and I are ready to get medieval.

Atleast you had a civilized reply instead of, I hope you get run over, but still cats dont belong outside, and I am very bored and up for an argument, but please don't use the big words, remember I am redneck macho or whatever you called me :lol:

Do you remember what i said in my first post? Anyone can respond in anyway they see fit to any thread so long as the forum rules are adheared to.

That post is off topic which breaks the forum rule number 6. Go start another thread if you want to debate that bizzo.

Jesus! Does anyone read what i post around here?
Do you remember what i said in my first post? Anyone can respond in anyway they see fit to any thread so long as the forum rules are adheared to.

That post is off topic which breaks the forum rule number 6. Go start another thread if you want to debate that bizzo.

Jesus! Does anyone read what i post around here?

I read part of you post then decided to vent, I should know the rules, its been 3 years but can't remember them.... I mean 2 months :lol:
Ppl can't help their spelling. Perhaps you could ask the forum owner to add a spell check feature so then ppl can have the computer correct their spelling.
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