update on my female beardie

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2009
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hi everyone if u can remeber awhile ago i posted a thread about my bearded dragon being pregnant well im now doubting it alot since then her helth has realy deterated show refuses to eat anything never comes out from under her rock and has lost a hell of alot of weight. the little male is fine he eats well and eveything but she just seems to be getting worse. any advice. and dont tell me to seperate them i already did that and nothing happens pretty much the only thing she does is dig under her rock.

any help would be great
Yeah im guessing vet? I wouldnt keep waitnig for things to get better if there getting worse..
Whilst there are people on this site with an incredible amount of knowledge of the animals they keep,no one here is really qualified to give an accurate diagnosis of the illness your little Beardy is suffering from without properly examining it,which is impossible to do via the description you give or photos you may provide.
If she has deteriated so badly, and you openly admit to knowing and watching it happen,why the hell havent you taken her to a vet already?Im by far the least qualified to make a judgment of the health of the animal,however it seems quite obvious that left without PROFESSIONAL treatment the animal WILL die and you will have let that happen.
Not meaning to be rude but if price is all that comes to mind then maybe you should take a second look at whether or not you should be keeping reptiles... or any pet for that matter...

Would you not go to the doctor because there maybe a consultation fee?
no im just asking i will get dad to take her to the vet this weekend but if i get her out from under the rock she runs around i little bit and then just starts digging again and then goes back under the rock
You should definitely try get her to the Vet BEFORE the weekend, they are open till 7pm on Thursdays and Fridays, only till 6pm tonight. They are only open from 9am-1pm on Saturdays, ring up for an appointment ASAP. It will take your dad less than 1 hour (~39km) to get there from Yarra Junction! I can't remember how much they charge, but like many people have said, it is not important. There are of course other Vets around, I just know that one has a couple of very good reptile vets. Good luck.
Make sure you go thru your whole setup with the vet re the blueys & the male in together, your heat & lighting, ambient temps - be prepared so they can advise u properly. How long did u seperate them, 'cause 1-2 days won't make a difference re her relaxing - 1-2 wks might allow her to relax & start eating, & then on a permanent basis after that. What exactly are your temps too, what do u think is a good temp for a beardie?
Please like everyone else says - Vet ASAP
Not meaning to be rude but if price is all that comes to mind then maybe you should take a second look at whether or not you should be keeping reptiles... or any pet for that matter...

Would you not go to the doctor because there maybe a consultation fee?

My thoughts exactly
there hot spot is about 35c and theres a hide under there the blueys are outside now and they were seperated for about a week and if i take her out from under the rock she will eat a couple of tiny little things but thats about all
Separate them permanently. Take her to the vet as soon as possible and then leave her the hell alone. I'm sure she just loves having you stare at her and poke and prod her all the time, doing more harm than good. Do you ever listen?
Definitely vet - & explain it's urgent. Temp could be higher, up to 40-44C hot spot. Is there enuf light in the enclosure? All these things help get her stimulated. Let us know as soon as you've made an appointment, 'cause if it's not for 2 or so days she needs some temporary caring which we may be able to help with?
we cant get in till saturday bumped up the temp to 37 she gets lots of natural sunlight and rocket i hardley ever had her out
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