V3NOM'S SNAKE SIG TUTORIAL!!! [56kers BEWARE - Large Files]

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Active Member
Jan 31, 2007
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Hey guys!

Well i finally made a tutorial for snake signatures

Its the first tutorial ive made, ive been meaning to make heaps of tuts before but never did

the tut is made of 3 large files..... give them time to load if you have a slow connection

If you find any problems with it please let me know via a PM

If you need help post your replies here and tell me what you need help with and ill try to help you

If enough people want to know how to do the text part..... then ill make a tut for it..... but only if theres enough requests.

Oh and also... i want to see your results.. post them in here!!!!!!

Now get going and have fun Photoshoppin!!


I have now made this a sticky thread.
Many thanks to 'V3NOM' for taking the time to put this tutorial up for the benefit of the members here on APS.

V3NOM, that's awesome and inspiring. If Photoshop didn't give such a headache trying to use it I might come up with something to show myself. :(

Are you a professional or just do as a hobby cause your real good?

Thanks fr that mate, unreal

But how to you add those little parts around the edge of the circles??


I dont have any professional qualifications... im all self taught.... and using online tutorials i have come across over the years.

best way to find out how PS works is to try it out... my first reason for eva using photoshop was so i could swap some heads on some pictures for a laugh.... now im way better :)


OK to add the dirty look to the circles...hmm this is gonna be complicated to just explain with no pictures.......wait ill get a couple of small pics to add to this reply


Firstly you need to find which layer has allyour holes on it..... click the little picture of the eye next to the layers in the layers palette.. that switches the layer to 'hide' or 'visable' mode.... use that method to find the layer your after. You might as well hide all the layers from the top down to the holes layer.... so you only see the holes you created, this will make it easier to see what your doing.... you can unhide them after we have finished.

when u find the layer with the holes.... make sure that layer is selected in the layers palette... then click the 'add new layer' button at the bottom of the layers palette..( refer to the tutorial if you cant remeber where some of these buttons are )

you now have a new layer over the layer with the holes.


1. Select the 'Brush tool' from the Toolbox
2. Select the Brush shown below


now with that brush selected, make sure you have the layer above your holes still selected in the layers palette.

just before we move on... make sure your 'Opacity' for the brush is on 100%..... when you have the brush tool selected... the opacity percentage level should be shown up near the top of the screen.

now select a brown colour in the swatches palette i picked this one as shown below


Now all you need to do is click over each hole, 4 times.... as shown below


Once you have done that over each hole.

Select the 'Eraser tool' , get a soft edge Eraser Brush as shown below


now erase off around the edges of the brown speckles.... try to erase more from the tops and bottoms of each hole so the brown doesnt touch the top or bottom of the sig edge.

Below shows the general areas to erase, do that for each hole.


Now when all 3 holes are completed

Make sure the layer with the holes is still selected...

Over on the layers palette set the options for the layer as shown here


You should now have this


Thats how i made those

But in my final version.... i made 3 layers of this...... 1 layer with brown shown above.... 1 with black.... and 1 with white

i just erased them a little differently.... and made the the black layer blending mode 'Overlay' instead of 'Darken'... and took the opacity down more to. The white layer was same as the black except the opacity didnt need to be taken down so far.

Hope That Helps!!!

Good luck guys

that is great mate!!! thanks a million!!

i dont know how you got yours to look like bullet holes (like pugsly mentioned)

but i guess thats a way of keeping yours as an original and the best!!! ;)

heres my go at one with my bredli.... didnt turn out too bad i dont think!

thanks for the tut!




PS. Im awaiting the funky looking text tut! :)
lol well i have been fixing up this reply when u made that post i guess..... but now its done... go through that next part i just showed to pugsly!!!!!

Very nice sig you have there by the way!! lol

.... i small crit to improve it though...... get a soft edge eraser brush... and erase the edges of the snake from the holes... it will make the shadowing into the holes look alot nicer .. ;) not too much though... enough to make the edges on the snake pieces not so hard edged... know what i mean?? lol

also.. ur shadows are a little too far down on the head and middle piece of the snake... try adjusting the shadow so it doesnt touch the edge of the sig... see how its cut off...

Good work but!! keep at it!! :)

thanks mate will do! cheers!

just gotta stop being stingy now and pay my $5 so i can use it! llol
Oh by the way.... for extra detail on the circles.... like the one in my Avatar

follow the above posts first..... but after that

add another new layer over the new ones you made the dirty look with on the holes

set ur colour to black

choose a small sized solid brush, with the brush tool... try 3 pixels for the size

draw some cracks from the black on the inside of the holes to about 5mm past the outside edge of the holes.....

make a few of them.. not all the same looking... make some thicker... some really short... some abit longer etc...

dont over crowd it but, just make like 5 or 6 in total around the sides and stuff

set that new layers blending mode in the layers palette to overlay... then turn the opacity down also..... set it kinda low... use your best judgement as to how it looks at different opacity levels.

then when u have done that

get the soft edge eraser tool, with approx size of around 20-30....

and erase off the edges of the lines you just made... dont erase to far in or you will lose too much.....

it makes it look better... trust me

Good luck and have fun

no head butting the desk if you get frustrated....

if your having problems, just save it as a PSD file.... go back to it later or something, it may be the version ur using..... mine is CS2 remember...

anyway just post ur questions here if you need help.


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looks awsome mate

how do u get it onto your signature?with out pressing on a link
well when u write something your signature has the one u made right.but when i go to put mine as a signature it has a link on it.so i wanna know how to get rid of the link and put the signature there
great tut there venom, :D
heres something i made yesty

jessie: yeh you have to have subscribed to the forums to be able to display it on the forum... it only cost 5 bucks anyway...

hodges: very nice stuff there mate!! looks like a battle of evill vs good... nice
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