we have mice!!

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2008
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
wild ones that is...

how do i kill them?

we have tried mouse traps, rat sack, humane traps, throwing kitchen utensils at them, nothing seems to work, we got one, but there are more, and it took us3 weeks to get that one, by the time we get another they will have their own army. what have you found that works?

im out of ideas.
we had mice...........and then RATS!!!!!!!! eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww. (IN THE GARAGE)

Left a few of the shed snake skins around the garage, and a few bits of snake poo. Voila...... no rodents again!!!!!!! They seemed to high-tail it!!!!!
we had mice...........and then RATS!!!!!!!! eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww. (IN THE GARAGE)

Left a few of the shed snake skins around the garage, and a few bits of snake poo. Voila...... no rodents again!!!!!!! They seemed to high-tail it!!!!!

same problem, same methed, same results
Okay, I'm gonna get flamed here, but I'm getting pretty flameproof now...... get a................(gulp)..CAT!!!!! LOL!
Which mouse traps are you using? If you're using the normal ones I've found mice can often get their treat without setting it off. Have you tried the ones that are like open mouths that slam closed when their tongue is touched?

That sounds weird but it actually describes them quite well :)
Okay, I'm gonna get flamed here, but I'm getting pretty flameproof now...... get a................(gulp)..CAT!!!!! LOL!

:shock:.. You said it, lol

Have you tried peanut butter on the mouse traps? They love it.. and they actually have to sit there and lick it off
The traps DDALDD describes work very well, especially if you use a smear
of peanut butter as the bait which last a long time even if the trap wasn't to
go off instantly.. plus they cant remove it from the trap like other baits.
Call the local council. When i had mice they put me on to a stock feed shop that had a new type of poison.
It's basically like rat sack but has oats and grain covered in a powder.
I got 4 throw pack size bags and within days no more mice.
Okay, I'm gonna get flamed here, but I'm getting pretty flameproof now...... get a................(gulp)..CAT!!!!! LOL!

Sounds like the song about the old lady who swallowed the fly;)

My daughter is convinced the mice I had have grown into rats (because I have kept them in the shed so no one (including myself) gets to attached to them).

Any idea where thier nest is? Could you pour kero down their without accidently burning something down (kero would proberbly kill them even if not lit).
we have mouse problems after every downpour of rain :x

The humane cage type traps with the top entrance are rubbish, only caught one mouse in them (must have been a really daft mouse). i did see some humane ones with a side entrance and a sprung floor that lowers slowly under the mouses weight in the entrance tunnel that looked promising. I'm might try them next

In the mean time I got metal "brain crusha" style mouse traps and smear the trigger with peanut butter and they are constantly armed ... even have one on the kitchen bench :(

mouse problem gone ... for now
Those who recommend poison - shame on you - this comes from the same site where I read that 1080 shouldn't be used to protect our own wildlife - because they can hear the screams of the animals dying....

Mice are too quite to scream.

Good on you who choose trapping as the humane option - that way you can relocate them to the waste disposal unit...

Ok... I seriously don't know what you do once you've trapped them...maybe you hit them on the head, maybe you re-release them in someone's property that you don't like...

But what ever you do - poisons are just so nasty horrible and cruel... I hope that we can all avoid poisons - just because it's out of sight doesn't mean it doesn't hurt the poor little blighters.
Those who recommend poison - shame on you - this comes from the same site where I read that 1080 shouldn't be used to protect our own wildlife - because they can hear the screams of the animals dying....

Mice are too quite to scream.

Good on you who choose trapping as the humane option - that way you can relocate them to the waste disposal unit...

Ok... I seriously don't know what you do once you've trapped them...maybe you hit them on the head, maybe you re-release them in someone's property that you don't like...

But what ever you do - poisons are just so nasty horrible and cruel... I hope that we can all avoid poisons - just because it's out of sight doesn't mean it doesn't hurt the poor little blighters.

I agree.

Internal haemoraging is a horrible way to die no matter what the animal..
here here slim6y!
just coz there a pest and used as food doesnt mean they need to die in humanely
A bucket or a plastic rubbish bin half full full of water put it near something that they can climb, butter all over a empty wine bottle put cheese in the the mouth of the wine bottle so when they get to the wine bottle they slip off and fall into the water and drown, we did it when living on a property and woke up in the morning and there were over 50 mice in there...
we had hundreds of mice in our old house in the country, if we used poison they died in he walls and stuff and stunk out the place, not nice
we found thosed "head" traps with the tounge thing with peanut butter worked best
Put a bowl of milk out, not just any bowl of milk but add some plaster of paris to it, they will drink it and then it will set in their stomachs.

I know its horrible but they are feral mice !!
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