What are you looking forward to this summer?

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Well it's quickly approaching winter in Scotland, so here's what I look forward to;
1. Leaving the house 5 minutes earlier, so I can scrape the ice off my car windscreen.
2. Wearing multiple layers so I don't freeze when leaving the house, only to take them off again when I arrive at my destination.
3. Melting snow is not good!
5. Slipping on ice is not good.
6. The sun setting at 1500hrs!

On a serious note....
1. Snow is awesome.
2. Sledging in said snow is even better, even for a 33yr old.
3. Getting in from being out in the cold and warming up by the fire with a good single malt whisky.
4. Lots of time off.
5. A naked swim in the sea on new years day. (This can only be done after a few whiskys)

- - - Updated - - -

So it's Summer again and Christmas is around the corner. What are you looking forward to doing this summer?

For me:
Finding new reptiles to photograph and tick off in my guide books.
Family time and holidays.
Python eggs and hatchies.

This sounds perfect.
Hopefully some nice hatchies will be up for sale, I'm planning on extending the collection with a nice olive (or two....) and hopefully a gorgeous diamond :)
mostly spending time with family..i dont get to see mum and dad and sister and brother and nieces and nephews and my daughter, very much so will be good to catch up again..and not having to work for 16 days.....YAY.........
Fate conspiring to bring a bub Spencer's into the family :)
not Christmas as I work at Cole's....
Looking forward to go out mountain climbing, eating the summer fruits, hopefully some cross country mountain bike riding. Finishing off my Damon enclosures haha.
My partner opening his wicked Shoei helmet for Christmas!
I think I'm more excited for him to open it than he is! Even if it means Ill forever get stuck on the back of his bike -__-

Other than that, just enjoying some public holidays free from work or study, so we can go camping/herping up in the hills!
Herping. Finding good herping spots. Finally finding someone to go herping with.
Finding some damn peace and quiet to read a good book.
Need to fit some adventures in there somewhere too. Life goes by way to quick.
Seeing some family at Christmas would be good. we are all so spread out. I miss my siblings terribly.
Starting Feb 2 all free time goes out the window...

You've all inspired me. I'm buying a BBQ lol
Camping, hopefully herping, maybe a new hatchling, building enclosures, painting, swimming, spending time with family... And not having to study for Uni until end of Feb. :)
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