What is he doing? (contains video)

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Not so new Member
Jan 8, 2012
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Hey guys and girls - This is a video of Frankie , our bearded dragon. He does this on a regular basis, usually when he thinks were not looking. What is it all about? I've heard that it's normal but I'm just wondered what the point of it is?

About half an hour before this, he ate loads of crickets so i was wondering if it is something to do with digestion - like stretching to make room for the food to go down? Or maybe it's territorial... I don't know! :rolleyes:

You guys are always fountains of knowledge so I'll wait to hear back :D

Hahaha that was so cute i have never seen them do it with both hands! looked like he wants a swim! lol
On a more serious note, it is a territory thing...girls do it more often than boys bit both do it :) wait til he starts head bobbing!! Google Bearded dragon arm wave or head bob, there a bit of info about it :) Again, so cute!
Haha thanks :) We don't know if Frankie's a he or a she, we just always call him he but this might prove us wrong! We call it 'conducting his invisible choir' haha. I shall google it now! :D
It's a territorial thing, I'm pretty sure the wave is a submissive thing
Hahaha that literally made me lol. Sorry I can't give any constructive advice but that's just excellent
Hey Repti! :)

It's basically beardie communication - not so much a "territorial" thing, as trying to establish "who's the boss" in the enclosure! You just wait till they do the arm-wave, and flutter the little fingers!

Totally normal, absolutely nothing to worry about (unless you have more than one dragon in there with Frankie...)

Hope this helps!

Haha - No worries :D It always makes me laugh to! It's the concentration on his face that sets me off, then the pauses witht eh little quivering foot. Hehe!

Thanks for the info Matt, when i googled it that was pretty much what I found aswel. It just said that it's a submissive action towards a larger animal ( i suppose me? ) :D
Maybe it's because your log is shaped like a giant dragon head :p
Or am I the only one who noticed that...?
Hey Repti! :)

It's basically beardie communication - not so much a "territorial" thing, as trying to establish "who's the boss" in the enclosure! You just wait till they do the arm-wave, and flutter the little fingers!

Totally normal, absolutely nothing to worry about (unless you have more than one dragon in there with Frankie...)

Hope this helps!


Thanks! At the moment he is on his own, but once I've found out his sex I want to get a 2nd one. Either way, I'll get a female I recon. Then it can be 2 girls or a boy and a girl, no fighting then lol :)
My beardie did that to, the whole slow robotic freestyle swim thing. I'm so glad that you got it on tape. I can't stop watching it :)
i think it's because most desert's used to be covered by ocean, and beardies were sea creatures back then. they have evovled slightly but still get the urge to go swimming every now and then,:lol::rolleyes:;):twisted:
Haha, Some pretty good answers here! The log is pretty awesome I must say... :D It's about 4ft long (the tank is 4.5ft) and Frankie loves it, when he was smaller he used to run into one end and then come out the holes, like a real game of Whack a Mole haha :)
Maybe it's because your log is shaped like a giant dragon head :p
Or am I the only one who noticed that...?
OMG yes and it looks like its trying to eat him!!! He is just trying to swim away being an ex ocean creature its just in his DNA hahaha

So glad to read a thread that makes you laugh instead of fighting n stuff lol
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