what is the easiest way to measure your python?

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after it sheds measure the skin others just guess be sure if u r going to measure u strech it right out u can usually get an extra foot out of them killer pythons lmao
take a piece of string and run it along the body of your python from tip of nose to end of tail, then measure the piece of string. I often find that the measurements of shed skins are inaccurate in comparison to the actual snake's body length though it is A LOT easier to measure :)
Stick it on a photocopier. Place it under a bowl or simolar over the top of it and let it relax.
Got this tip from someone who uses the method professionally.
i use a fabric measurin tape, its surposed to be used 4 measurin ur width arm length etc 4 makin clothes, does same as string but already has the measurments on it 4 ya
The string method is probably the easiest you'll find, other than the photocopier, which can be a bit difficult for a variety of reasons. Sloughs will generally be 10-40% longer than the snake. I've used computer measuring programs extensively as part of my research, they are extremely inaccurate. Try measuring the same snake several times with one of the snake measuring programs, using several different pictures. Using pictures which all seem "reasonable" you can get results varying by almost 100%. If you take pictures from directly above, with the unit length object and snake in the center of the picture, you should be able to get measurements within about 20% of the actual length, but that's not really all that good.

Occassionally, you'll get a snake stretch out dead straight against a wall and then stop. If you're lucky enough to have this happen, quickly mark the wall at both ends, then come back with a tape measure. I managed to get a measurement of a 266cm snake this way, which I'd say was accurate to within about two or three cm.

Generally speaking, it's very difficult to measure snakes and most of us often just laugh when we hear about how long peoples' snakes are :)
I use the shed skins to guesstimate the growth rate between sheds. I once heard that using a shed to measure your snake is a bit like using stocking which have been pulled off to measure someone's legs. *Shrug* Maybe is true but I'm not commited enough to actually do the research...though perhaps that is just due to a lack of desirable test subjects. ;)

Anyway back to the topic, even using the sheds for growth rate indicators I am very well aware that the "stretch factor" is likely to be different for each shed. I guess I like to delude myself into having siome idea of how much 'Zar is growing. :p
ive only done it once so far but i measured his shed aswell. My baby wont stay still enough to use the string method :lol: so i just guesstimated like kath & stu :D
A shed skin is anything up to 50% longer than the snake it came from so not very reliable.
Not sure what programs you have used but I have found snake measurer to be pretty accurate. I have missed some subjects by 1-2cm which is very minor and it still gives a decent account of growth rate over time IMO. I use this method 98% of the time just to check on growth rates for personal records. Provided a good picture is taken from above & measurements made in the direct centre of the animals body it should be fairly close to spot on.

The most accurate method I have found is by placing the snake in a garbage bin of shallow water & holding a clear cylinder tube/pipe same dimension as the snakes body above its head. The snake climbs up the tube to exit the water, once inside I can measure its length accurately. I also use this method to restrain a snake while probing it to avoid bites, coiling etc.
However I use this method very rarely to avoid stressing the animal & I only do it for 100% accuracy during times of sale, vet visits etc.
boa said:
A shed skin is anything up to 50% longer than the snake it came from so not very reliable.

Many 'exceptionally large' snake claims are made as the result of measuring sloughs (or tanned skins, which are also longer than the snakes they come from). I have a carpet which often has sloughs over 4m long. I think the longest was about 460cm, which would make her the largest carpet python ever! Yay! :p If I moistened one of her sloughs, then stretched it out and allowed it to dry, I'm sure I could get it to well over 5m.
Our serpent tend to get measured in the kitchen under the overhang of the kitched cupboards. In the percieved "safety" of the overhang they will usually line up straight atainst the wall. You then just need to make a mental note of their start and end point and measure it.
I've used a range of programs including snakemeasurer. I've tested them thoroughly along with a group of scientists in the lab. It's possible to get "reasonable" results, but claims of measuring snakes to within 1-2cm are silly (unless of course you're being very careful and the snakes are only 10-20cm long). Generally, for the average Joe user, results tend to be out by around 20-40% and on larger snakes, even more. If you know what you're doing, you may be lucky enough to get results to within 5-10%, but you'll only get this with small snakes (under around 100-120cm, unless you're willing to take the picture from about 5-10m above the snake.
I lay my 3m tapemeasure on the grass. Circe slid past it. Even with her body curved in motion she overshot the tapemeasure at both ends. I just call her 3m. Mum freaks out enough about that. If she knew my girl was "plus" she'd probably ban me from handling her.
i just had fun this weekend measuring all the snakes one stage i had to get my bro to help as my big boy had a hissy fit when i got close to his head and wraped around my arm ohh the fun of having a purple hand :D but string is the best i also used a stanley laser tape measure when they are up against the wall and found that it was out by 3-5 cm if you know how to use it
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