You know your a herper when........

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2004
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you see a wild rat and say hmmmm that would be about 450grams.

we know the weight of the rats we feed to our snakes, and i was in the shed cleaning up some junk when i heard a noise, and then a 450gram rat run down the wall.

Few years back wouldn't have had any idea about weights, and rats etc.

Haven't had time yet, but that rat and me arn't finished yet, hes been eating all my GR2, so what am i ment to eat now :(


Last night I opened a cupboard to get some Reptivite out and as I bent into the cupboard, I looked up to see my curious 8 foot carpet pythons face just inches from mine. Whereupon, I grinned and said hi. :)
or you see the look of horror on my sons, friends face when he opens the fridge to get a drink & theres a frozen rat thawing out in a container for someones dinner, :) poor kid!
When you have seen this thread about 1000 times.
dugadugabowbow said:
When you have seen this thread about 1000 times.

It's a bugger when you are old and jaded and can't get excited anymore eh Duga ? ;)
When you go to the US on business, notice all of the squirrels around the parks in Santa Monica, and go back there at night to see what pythons are around to feed on them!
(none) :(
dugadugabowbow said:
An interesting one. :lol:

of you go then. :)

but at least this type of thread can get members involved who might not no much about other stuff ;) like me :)
Your receptionist doesn't bat an eyelid when packages that are scratching, crawling or chirping arrive at your Office and she happily delivers them to your desk with the message "for your lizards".
....when your partner comes in and informs you that your pet bluey has 'passed away'!
i went to buy a pie a few months back, and when i opened my wallet to pay i had a cockroach running around in amoungst the cash.

The women freaked when she saw it, and i said don't stress, its one of mine, then i put the change back in my wallet, and put the roach ad the wallet back in my pocket. She wasn't impressed :)
soulweaver said:
i went to buy a pie a few months back, and when i opened my wallet to pay i had a cockroach running around in amoungst the cash.

The women freaked when she saw it, and i said don
i went to buy a pie a few months back, and when i opened my wallet to pay i had a cockroach running around in amoungst the cash.

The women freaked when she saw it, and i said don't stress, its one of mine, then i put the change back in my wallet, and put the roach ad the wallet back in my pocket. She wasn't impressed
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