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do u thing its wrong 4 a black man and a whight girl 2 mate then

Do you have a pair of them aswell...?:lol:

Take the earlier advice and make her comfortable.

If she doesn`t lay in 24hrs then take her to a vet..

Good luck...
Thanks for the abuse/help, the male was supposed to be a female when purchased, however when checking in their hide boxes there was eggs, so obviously it was male.

Thanks for the help those who provided it, will take her to the vet this morning.

OH and she does have a laybox, its about 50cmx50cmx25cm square, the enclosure size is about 3 cubic meters with ventilation and 500watts worth of heating with a heat variation of 7 degrees 32 up top 25 down bottom, thermostate controlled with the humidy stabilised at 55% so the environment should be fine. It is her first clutch she has ever had.

Those who want to have a cry about hybrids how about you have a little cry to someone who cares, ooo a noob with a hybrid lets pay him out because we have nothing better to do than be keyboard warriors instead of helping while his pet could be at risk. Good form guys, good form, take a bow.

I asked for help and assistance not for your opinions on what happened which was an accident, so for those that did big thank you.
Come on people they are only carpet pythons after all, they are all interchangeable. I don't buy animals off backyard breeders, because It is inevitable that these animals will always "accidentally" continue to be bred....
Lay a thick enough berley trail though and you are sure to get a bite or 2....
good luck with your snake, i really hope she is ok and that it is nothing bad :) let us know how she goes.
....... GET OVER IT those people who are ripping into him for cross breeding. geez your like a broken record, its also sad that you would want to put a snake in the freezer and KILL it over nothing!
if you like snakes so much why would you put it in the freezer?
it was an accident geez
if you are so against it y did you post in the first place when all he was asking for was help?
Honestly how do you think we get pure bred animals its by cross breeding and cross breeding people really need to put the snakes issue first its having trouble as he said he has only had pythons for 12mths, so I guess ur gonna call my dog a mutt cause shes a x breed oh and my pure bred brittish blue a bittsa all animals are crossed bred to get something pure.... Ppl who have got nothing nice to say should honestly not say anything at all... Rusty as a few ppl have said give her 48hrs or more to see if she lays them all if not get her to a vet ASAP..
I find it funny sigridshurte's saying "geez your like a broken record", when only one person made a direct attack at the person for breeding the hybrids. Where as almost everyone else in the thread who hasn't offered advice is just repeating everything the last person just with different spelling mistakes. If anything YOU are the one's sounding like a broken record.
He's referring to the fact that every time someone mentions "hybrid", everyone else is like, "ZOMG, flame them!"
He's referring to the fact that every time someone mentions "hybrid", everyone else is like, "ZOMG, flame them!"

It's a community of people with differing opinions, learn to live with the fact that some people love them, most people hate them, some people don't care, and other people really don't give a crap what goes on at all and they are just happy with their snakes.

There's always going to be someone who will say something you don't like, so deal with it.
Python is going to vet at 2pm Today, looks as if she has got about 10+ left in her.

Anyone know if the eggs can usually be saved would be about 36 hours since the last one come out, gave her 24 hours and nothing. Guessing it is going to be surgery and a nice big fat bill, but so long as she is fine.

Thanks again for all the help guys, much appreciated.
Without getting into a debate some of you people really should do a bit of reading up on the subject.People cannot crossbreed we are all the one species,Homo sapiens.Dogs as well are all the one species,Canis lupus familiaris.
They might have to deflate some of the eggs, or in a worse case, surgery to remove the eggs, in either case there is not much chance the eggs will be viable..
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