Ghosts of pets past

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Sunny Coast
Just wondering if anyone has ever seen the 'ghost' of a pet (or any animal for that matter), be it reptilian or otherwise, after it has passed away?
I personally don't believe in ghosts at all, but my partner does, and swears she has seen a few 'human' ghosts during her life, and I'm sure a lot of other people here would say they have.
Just curious if anyone has seen an animal ghost!
Like in the movie pet cemetery I saw a dead cat in the movie.
yes, i see sorta "Aurora"s around people, and i've seen ghosts, when i go to the cemetary there are sorta blue translucent mists floating around, and its always cold, even in summer, i've seen a ghost dog and a bird.
I'm not into this sort of thing, either. But I SWEAR there was a ghost critter in the first pet shop I worked in as a kid. When I was there on my own early in the morning, stuff would get knocked off shelves on the other side of the shop, and multiple pups would occasionally get super fixated on one particular spot on top of a set of high drawers, and just stand there and bark incessantly at nothing for 30mins or more sometimes. When I told my boss, she said she thought that it was a ghost-cat.... It really was bizarre.
yes, i see sorta "Aurora"s around people, and i've seen ghosts, when i go to the cemetary there are sorta blue translucent mists floating around, and its always cold, even in summer, i've seen a ghost dog and a bird.

I think you mean auras... Auroras are an astronomical event :D
I think it would have been more impressive if you were seeing auroras :lol:
I saw Flipper and Rin Tin Tin having an arm wrestle in the pub one night....creepy
LOL! Yeah, I don't see ghosts, but I've had some bizarre 'sightings', usually around pub closing time!

My missus reckons she woke up one night and was actually being suffocated by the ghost of a cranky old-time Chinese Gold Digger. He used to appear at the end of her bed and just stand there, all angry. Hmmm... as I say, I don't believe in ghosts, but my missus doesn't lie, and she doesn't go around 'boasting' about it to other people either. So I'm sorta stuck - I believe her, but I don't believe in ghosts. As far as I know, she hasn't seen any ghost-animals.

Kristy, I've heard that living animals are supposed to be far more attuned to the presence of, well, things we can't see, so even I would get a bit freaked out by a whole bunch of dogs staring and barking at the same 'empty' point in space!

Asharee, were the bird and dog you saw known to you previously (ie pets, friends' pets, etc), or were they just random animals?

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I saw a ghost snake, it was laying on the road late at night, when we turned back to go look at it, it was gone :lol:
I went to see a Medium once and as I was leaving she said that there
was a black and white border collie jumping around me and it was so
happy to see me. I did in fact own a border collie years before but
unfortunatly she disappered and I was devostated for a long time.
This lady knew nothing about me and was spot on with alot of stuff so
I belive that it really was my dog Kelly coming to say hello.
My Nan (who is actually very religious and wouldn't usually be into that kinda thing) swears she has seen the ghost of a cat. She saw a cat so clearly walk past the loungeroom doorway at her house that she thoughts it was her (alive) cat and didnt think anything of it until she found her cat at the side door meowing to come inside. She looked everywhere for the 'ghost cat' but didn't see it again.
Out of the corner of my eye I often see a cat , or have opened the door to see one of my past cats slip in.
Our pet cat died about five years ago. We still see him walking in through the front door as we open it go go out or in................ and we have other small animals walking around the house from time to time............. one I think is a small chihuahua that belonged to my son, she was a lovely light colour with long fur.
We also have a couple of figures in different areas of the house, of more human form, buit I prefer not to think about those ones!!!!
My old dog used to jump onto my bed at first light, (before the alarm went off).

He died several years ago, however I still feel him jumping up onto the bed occasionally.
I'm amazed at how many ghost cats there are compared to other animals....

Nobody's ever seen the ghosts of their snakes' food? :D
oh yeah the other day i walked into the living room and saw my dead cat and dead dog fighting. all the while ned kelly sat in the corner drawing the scene on an etch-a-sketch
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