newbie vegetarian

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Gold Coast
hi :)
i have decided that i want to become a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. that means i don't eat meat but still eat dairy products, eggs, milk that kind of stuff.
i just want to know if there are any other vegetarians out there :) if so
can anyone give me some yummy recipes or advice !?
i love pretty much EVERY food you could think of. so any suggestions would be great
ive finally opened my eyes to what a disgusting business the meat trade is. not only do i find killing animals wrong, the meat trade also hurts our environment and powers 3rd world country slave trades.
i have wanted to be a vegetarian for ages and am not at the age where i can cook for myself so i am not dependant on eating mum's food not that i don't love it but i believe that animals are friends not food :)
anyone with me?
um not at the age O_O your 17?! i cook for myself all the time, and the family

probably different circiumstances Asharee... I'm 20 and I'm not allowed to cook meals (mother if highly possesive of her kitchen)... I have never been taught and get taunted by my own parentals if they DO actually let me have a try at it...
Maybe you should research the dairy and egg trade, get outraged at what you read on dumb sites, and become a vegan instead? Being only a vegetarian is a bit of a cop out, really.
I was for a while, my sister was for a long time. Remember to keep your health up. As for food, Tofu, fruit and vegies, Nuts etc
If you honestly like meat, then there is no reason that you cannot buy from butchers that source their meat from local farms. This way, no animal cruelty (at least, definitely not like what you've seen in factory farming) and you are helping to fund our farmers :)

Never buy eggs or milk (preferably don't buy any kind of milk unless it is specifically organic) from supermarkets or petrol stations. These are also farmed (and I have to say that I think dairy farms are some of the worst factory farms out there- look them up).

If you do decide to go vegetarian, please go see your GP or something similar so that they may assess if this diet is right for you (you may not have enough iron, protein, etc., and so vegetarian diets which do not have as much of these vitamins/minerals may not be good for you). They can also give you tips on where to get the vitamins or minerals that you need to remain healthy (eg. which vegetables, etc.).

Good luck :)
i cook for myself alot but i mean now i have a lot more potential to cook the foods i WANT rather than just settle for mum's cooking. im really confused. i dont want to eat meat but humans are omnivours and we're meant to eat it. but i believe killing animals is wrong. im contemplating doing what my younger cousin does, she only eats chicken and occasionally fish. then maybe over time i can stop eating this all together. im concerned that while im a growing teenager eating no meat will have some affects on my development. dont comment unless you are trying to help or have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism . thank you
As I said, go your see doctor :) He/she'll be able to tell you if a vegetarian diet is okay for your body's needs. Everyone is different.
hahaha.... started being a cop out vego by still doing dairy and eggs..... now dairy, eggs, chicken and fish..... what a hard line activist you are... full credit for you half heartedness.... way to stand for half your convictions.... its just too bad you cant be half a hypocrite.
didnt you hear what i said when i said only reply if you're trying to help. and your comments are certainly not constructive criticism. it is no concern of mine wether or not you agree with it or not. sorry that i have a passion for animals and would rather eat as little of them as possible but while i am 17, still living at home and still growing, it is very hard to avoid eating meat, even if it is just chicken. and vegetarians do eat dairy products. it's vegans that don't. id appreciate it if you kept your unneccessary remarks to yourself :)
As I said, go your see doctor :) He/she'll be able to tell you if a vegetarian diet is okay for your body's needs. Everyone is different.

this is a good start, they'll be able to help you with what foods and stuff you need to focus on to keep your health up :)
but as a vego, i find that you can still get all the sort of meaty products, but in a vego alternative...
you can get vego sausages, mince, burgers, bacon rashers, roasts and lots of other yummy things that are made from vegetable products and are high in iron and b12 :)
have a look in coles (i find that they have the best range) next time you go shopping :)
and imo, peanut satay tofu is to die for! *drools*
thankyou ravan and notechistiger . :) and i will take that into consideration ravan i completely forgot about vegetarian meat. im assuming you're a vegetarian? and as for the tofu.. you had me at peanut. haha :)
thankyou ravan and notechistiger . :) and i will take that into consideration ravan i completely forgot about vegetarian meat. im assuming you're a vegetarian? and as for the tofu.. you had me at peanut. haha :)

indeed i am :D
haha, i could eat peanut satay all day and all night, and still not get sick of it, its so damn good! :D
the only thing is that i would probably still be eating chicken a couple times a week. this is something i cannot avoid at the moment. to me this isnt a problem because at least i would not be eating any red meat and i dont eat much fish anyway. nor do i care what any other people on here have to say about that because at least i am cutting down my meat intake as much as i possibly can.
you can also buy vege chicken fillets.... maybe you could get your mum to cook them for you if you really dont want to eat them. or try and convert the rest of your family lol :p
good idea. nahh my famnily wouldnt :p my mum doesnt want me to stop eating meat alltogether she said she would feel much better if i at least ate chicken. such a mum thing to say. ;)
...she only eats chicken and occasionally fish. then maybe over time i can stop eating this all together.
That honestly makes me see red.. What the hell makes a chicken or fish's life less valuable than a cow or sheep? Who are you to decide what animal deserves life more... Argh!

... i have a passion for animals
Except chicken and fish right?

but while i am 17, still living at home and still growing, it is very hard to avoid eating meat, even if it is just chicken.
Red meat is more important for a growing teenage girl. Much more important.

Yes, not eating meat mucks your body up - seeing as humans have spent millions of years evolving as omnivores. As notechistiger said, go see a doctor as they will ensure you become a vego properly for your body, unlike so many other teenage girls.

EDIT: can get vego sausages, mince, burgers, bacon rashers, roasts and lots of other yummy things ...
I have never understood this either. If you're a vegetarian why do you want to eat things like sausages, bacon and roasts? Isn't the whole point of being a vego NOT to eat that stuff? Not to mention, how the hell can bacon be made out of anything but pig meat?!
Quote 1 - I do not think that chicken or fish are less valuable. But I eat less of these animals than red meat so if I cut down my red meat intake by 100%, I will be eating hardly any meat at all, given the fact I hardly eat white meat in the first place. I did not say their life is less valuable. Also while I am living at home I want to give my mother some peace of mind that I'm still eating meat. People are omnivours by the way.
Quote 2 - What is that supposed to mean "unlike so many other teenage girls"?
And quote 3 - it's a meat subsitute, you can cook with it and have a meal that will fill you up. Instead of eating 3 almond nuts for dinner.
fritzi, PhilK was referring to how many teenage girls turn vegetarian because of something they've seen on tv or the internet (eg. factory farming videos), but have not researched proper vegetarian diets or been to see their doctor. Because of this, they often lack vital vitamins and minerals, and sometimes because deficient in certain things, such as iron. This can lead to all sorts of problems (including lack of energy, illness, etc)

At least you're starting to go about it the right way.
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