newbie vegetarian

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If I were to stop eating something in particular, it would probably be eggs and chicken, imo they are the worst of the animal industries, but I won't go into details. disease prevalence in caged chooks is far lower, but the way some of the staff handle them etc makes me mad. I know I'd rather be a steer wandering around a paddock for a long time, and then very humanely used for meat :)

As others have mentioned it would be your safest option to go see a doctor; there are a lot of nutrients you get from meat that you'll have to ensure you get with your new diet, otherwise your body will go haywire.

goodluck with it, but as has been said, don't trust what the media and websites say, I'm a vet student as well and have also seen the various industries in action :)
That honestly makes me see red.. What the hell makes a chicken or fish's life less valuable than a cow or sheep? Who are you to decide what animal deserves life more... Argh!

Except chicken and fish right?

Red meat is more important for a growing teenage girl. Much more important.

Yes, not eating meat mucks your body up - seeing as humans have spent millions of years evolving as omnivores. As notechistiger said, go see a doctor as they will ensure you become a vego properly for your body, unlike so many other teenage girls.

I have never understood this either. If you're a vegetarian why do you want to eat things like sausages, bacon and roasts? Isn't the whole point of being a vego NOT to eat that stuff? Not to mention, how the hell can bacon be made out of anything but pig meat?!

Phil, with all due respect, you are a young uni student (based on the loud announcement in your sig) that is studying vet science. You are not a GP. You aren't even a vet.
You are not qualified to make the statements you made.
Not eating meat doesnt "muck your body up", and there is no utterly compelling evidence that suggests same. It's the usual emotive rubbish perpetuated by the same dullards and swallowed by the same stupid people that began it.
The childish crap at the end kinda backs that up Phillip. You need to get the head out of the dogma/textbook and think for yourself mate!
i used to be vegetarian for 4 years ... then i sold out ha... try em vege sausages and bacon from sanitarium ... ave alot of tofu (mmmmmmake tofu) in ur stirfries and stuff and take vitamins too ....

indian and chinese food are the best for vegetarians ... lotsa varieties and they taste beautiful ;)

have fun
ROFL im glad im not ur age any more. i did the whole dont eat red meat thing for 2 years when i was 13 because we breed beef cattle( i think i was just rebelling against my parents). now i love nothing more than a blue steak!!! try this cook book The Clean Eating Diet by Tosca Reno has some great recipies with for foods without meat.
You are not qualified to make the statements you made.
Not eating meat doesnt "muck your body up", and there is no utterly compelling evidence that suggests same.
I don't need a degree to tell you that teenage girls need a lot of iron.. it's a pretty well known fact. The fact that almost every vego I know is anaemic (apart from those that take iron supplements) points, to me, to the fact that not eating meat (and not adjusting your diet obviousyl) leads to issues, and I've heard the same many times over. It makes perfect sense, and I don't have to be a doctor or a qualified vet to understand it.. There are nutrients present in meat, or present at levels in meat, that are not there in vegetables. Fact.

You'll be happy to know my comments aren't groundless - my brother is a human doctor and my cousin has a degree in nutrition and is always whinging about vego's. Always good to get a character assessment from a bloke on the net who knows nothing about me except my degree and pets, though. ;)

Notechistiger - it is part of our curriculum. We also need to spend time in abattoirs in 5th year on our rotations to learn about public health and safety etc. Vets are at the interface of animals and humans so are heavily involved in animal food production. The farm stuff is also required for "preclinical prac work"

To be honest, so long as people go about it the right way I don't see a problem with being a vegetarian. So long as you consult with a qualified GP or nutritionalist, you should be right. Yes, meat has a lot of valuable nutrients in good levels for your body, but having said that certain veggies have these nutrients as well; with a bit of knowledge and by eating the right things you'll be right. And there is a huge range of supplements that can be used, but should ONLY be used as directed by a GP! (everyone seems to think you can't overdose in vitamins and minerals, but the fact is that you can, and all too easily; you can create more problems for yourself if you take supplements when they're not needed).

Fritzi, I hope you can get some valuable information and recipes in this thread, and I'll stop taking over now, just wanted to try and back up the veggos a bit :)
I don't need a degree to tell you that teenage girls need a lot of iron.. it's a pretty well known fact. The fact that almost every vego I know is anaemic (apart from those that take iron supplements) points, to me, to the fact that not eating meat (and not adjusting your diet obviousyl) leads to issues, and I've heard the same many times over. It makes perfect sense, and I don't have to be a doctor or a qualified vet to understand it.. There are nutrients present in meat, or present at levels in meat, that are not there in vegetables. Fact.

Absolutely 100% correct!

Human beings, believe it or not, aren't designed to be a vegetarians. Your teeth are proof enough to this fact.

Admittedly, eating less red meat has been proven to be more benefitial (eg: less cases of bowel cancer etc), but to completely drop it form your diet......I might as well dump eating chocolate hehe. It's more trouble than it's worth IMHO...but that is your choice, and good luck with it. I admire people sticking to their guns.

Quite frankly I think a balanced diet is hard enough to achieve without throwing a serious spin-ball into the mix. If you are deadset keen, I'd go and have a quick chat to a dietician or someone within that profession for advice - not here :p

On a separate note, and a bit of a Clint Eastwood fan :lol:...he's a vego, and look how good he's turned out! ;)

Also: I'd go vegetarian for good is that stuff!!! :lol: :lol:
I never meant to imply it's BAD to be a vego, and I'm sorry if I did Fritzi. I was just trying to say make sure you're doing it for the right reasons, and backing up those who say make sure you do it properly, by going to a doctor/professional for the advice you need as everyone's body is different. Sorry for getting up on my high horse and sounding like a jerk!
sorry to crash the thread but it makes me think of a simpsons quote
"im a level 5 vegan....i dont eat anything with a shadow"
i used to be vegetarian for 4 years ... then i sold out ha... try em vege sausages and bacon from sanitarium ... ave alot of tofu (mmmmmmake tofu) in ur stirfries and stuff and take vitamins too ....

indian and chinese food are the best for vegetarians ... lotsa varieties and they taste beautiful ;)

have fun

Yeah, meat-eater myself too. Just get tired of the mongs jumping on the lets-bash-vegos because it fits the current status quo with whats happening on APS....
Even the budgie stitchers support it!
i havent read the most of the last two pages, but why must every conversation about vegetarians have to turn into some sort of slanging match about how being vegetarian?
its her body, and she has the right to choose what she puts into it.. so why does everyone else give a f*@#?
its not you're body so dont worry about it.
all she asked for was some recipes for christ sake.
People (kids) really think small country/farm butchers are more humane than commercial meat works...? :shock:
hahahha wake up to yourself.... What do you feed your snake, carrots? no.... rodents and what do you feed your dragons, crickets??? yeah. your family dog????? tofu??? no MEAT.....thats right.

Why because they are designed to.....just like us, have a look at your teeth...mmmmmm yes we are omnivores.

dont be un healthy and make yourself sick just to try and save the world.

and this is coming from a ex vego


i dont eat red meat purely because i can't stomach it, and haven't been able to do so since i was about 13. i'm completely healthy even though i dont consume it, and i'm a female. i went through my teens without red meat and am no worse off for it. so long as you're smart about what you're eating you'll be fine.

Vegetarian Recipes - Recipe collections -

hit up this website, they have some tasty recipies! the four cheese gnocchi rocks!

make sure you eat lots of other things that are high in iron. lots of leafy greens! beans work a treat too.
sorry but i never said she couldn't become a vegetarian all i was trying to get across was that abattoirs, which is where most of our meat comes from are actually not as cruel as ppl think! they humanely kill the animals not like some places around the world! your right they may not all be great but most are, especially the one i worked at! sorry if it came out wrong! that's all is was trying to get at!
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