Snake handling

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne Vic
Hi everyone

I have another newbie question

We have a 4 month old Jungle python who is about 50/60 cms long (approx)

We have her set up in a click clack and have been handling her each day.

She is really settled and we dont even have any tagging when she is out.

My question is this. if she is sitting on the floor of her click clack it is really easy to get her out...but if she is coiled on her dowl i just cant seem to get her out without both of us getting a bit spooked. I try to get her to come on to my hand and she sort of wants to but she doesnt get it that she has to uncoil herself from the dowl. I then try to gently lift her off but I know there is only so much i can do..she has to let go. She gets a bit spooked and then sometimes she tags me or even gets so spooked she tags herself poor thing. Once she is out she gets it she is out and she is absolutely fine and you wouldnt know we had been so clumsy together. the tagging is also really token I dont even feel her teeth it is like a tap with her nose if that makes sense.

My question do I get her off off her dowl better when she is coiled on it so that I dont frighten her. I am sure the tagging is just fright as she isnt sure what she should do.

We are going so well with her and she is turning inot a wonderful handler and I dont want that to change.


Hey there is not really an easy way to get them out when they are like that... We usually just run a finger down their back which makes them start to move and then just wait for them to untangle themselves and slither out of the click clack.... You just have to be ready to put ur hand under them as they come over the edge of the container...... Ours in the past have tied themselves in knots on their dowel...... Especially our darwin he is famous for it....
Thanks for your reply

so what you are saying is take the lid off so she knows it is off and touch her on her back and wait for her to realise it is time for snakie cuddles and sort of be ready to handle her as she comes out
ok I will try that tomorrow night.

We have been so incredibly lucky she is a jungle and is soooo placcid. When we went to the breeders and chose her and the breeder got her out for us to look at we noticed she was quiet...and so we 'hoped' that might continue and it seems to have.

We are already talking about getting a male for her......he will have an incredibly hard act to follow !! especially as she is our first snake


Put one hand under the snake and flip it upside down so its back is on your palm, it will release the dowl easily.
Put one hand under the snake and flip it upside down so its back is on your palm, it will release the dowl easily.

if she isnt wrapped around too tight I think that will work but when she knots herself over it i just cant see her sliding around it easily and i think she would get really spooked
there is still a part of her that gets frightened and I am trying to minimise that.

Thanks for your reply

so what you are saying is take the lid off so she knows it is off and touch her on her back and wait for her to realise it is time for snakie cuddles and sort of be ready to handle her as she comes out
ok I will try that tomorrow night.

We have been so incredibly lucky she is a jungle and is soooo placcid. When we went to the breeders and chose her and the breeder got her out for us to look at we noticed she was quiet...and so we 'hoped' that might continue and it seems to have.

We are already talking about getting a male for her......he will have an incredibly hard act to follow !! especially as she is our first snake



Yes that is it...... We got a Murray Darling to start with and then we got the darwin... The MD was great we had no problems with him but then the darwin was always tieing himself in knots on the dowel.... Try that and let us know how u get on... Goodluck
whats a dowl???? :)

i also have a 4 month old jungle who hasn't bitten yet and so far has been very placid, just sleeps in my hand. maybe you can remove the dowl??? but what is it actally???:)
tickel it on the tail there very sensitive on the tail and always tend to uncoil off things get her to clime up your hand instead of trying to slither away.

you can always pull the dowl out of the container and slowly tip it so the snake is side on and you should be able to slide her down towards your hand and off of it.
whats a dowl???? :)

i also have a 4 month old jungle who hasn't bitten yet and so far has been very placid, just sleeps in my hand. maybe you can remove the dowl??? but what is it actally???:)

A dowl is those long thin wooden sick you get from hardware shops in the wood section.
whats a dowl???? :)

i also have a 4 month old jungle who hasn't bitten yet and so far has been very placid, just sleeps in my hand. maybe you can remove the dowl??? but what is it actally???:)

Hi ya
the dowl is a thick rounded piece of wood a bit like a tiny broom handle you put across the click clack for the snake to perch on. I dont want to take it out because she loves it she sits on it all the time and it makes her feel safe. I just need to work out how to manage getting her off it when we want to sit and watch telly in the evening and have snakey cuddles.

I think i have got my head around how to manage her

i will post again tomorrow night and let you know how I get on.


tickel it on the tail there very sensitive on the tail and always tend to uncoil off things get her to clime up your hand instead of trying to slither away.

you can always pull the dowl out of the container and slowly tip it so the snake is side on and you should be able to slide her down towards your hand and off of it.

i think hubby will shoot me if I pull the dowel out. He melted the hole to slide it through and managed to push it through when the plastic was still hot and it melted around it and it is now stuck in position and it took him ages to get it just right lol

I will try the tail or her back I think that will get her going...she is very aware of the should see her when we put her back she checks that lid is on every time...she would love to stay out with us I am sure !!

i think hubby will shoot me if I pull the dowel out. He melted the hole to slide it through and managed to push it through when the plastic was still hot and it melted around it and it is now stuck in position and it took him ages to get it just right lol

I will try the tail or her back I think that will get her going...she is very aware of the should see her when we put her back she checks that lid is on every time...she would love to stay out with us I am sure !!


Yeah i would be leaving it in there..... They need somewhere to sit... My guys all love their dowel
We are thinking when we set up her main enclosure that we will be putting one in there for her.

We thought we would put a shelf in but we think she will enjoy the dowel better

our guy has just gone into a larger enclosure and we haven't put it in there as he has some thicker vine wood in there.... with sone greenery and such... i will take some pics and post them tomorrow so u can check it out,....... Its best to give them a few different options....As they are arboreal snakes they love climbing and being able to sit up off the ground....
kk. open thje lid of the tub and let it slither out of the tub as they tend to do that. best i can thin k of
My question is this. if she is sitting on the floor of her click clack it is really easy to get her out...but if she is coiled on her dowl i just cant seem to get her out without both of us getting a bit spooked. I try to get her to come on to my hand and she sort of wants to but she doesnt get it that she has to uncoil herself from the dowl. I then try to gently lift her off but I know there is only so much i can do..she has to let go. She gets a bit spooked and then sometimes she tags me or even gets so spooked she tags herself poor thing. Once she is out she gets it she is out and she is absolutely fine and you wouldnt know we had been so clumsy together. the tagging is also really token I dont even feel her teeth it is like a tap with her nose if that makes sense.

I've got a young tiger who's a little like that :lol: ....but without the bites! Hehe :D
I've got a young tiger who's a little like that :lol: ....but without the bites! Hehe :D

I am assumiing that by young tiger you mean tiger snake...eeeek its just as well it doesnt bite lol...mind you if it did i probably wouldnt be laughing.....

our guy has just gone into a larger enclosure and we haven't put it in there as he has some thicker vine wood in there.... with sone greenery and such... i will take some pics and post them tomorrow so u can check it out,....... Its best to give them a few different options....As they are arboreal snakes they love climbing and being able to sit up off the ground....

I would really appreciate the pics. Hubby and I have a lovely cabinet but havent worked out how we will put it together any ideas will be greatfully received

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