Ackies, Beardies and Netteds

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Active Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I hate it when I start a thread asking for advice to decide between two species then see a third I like the look of.

I started a thread comparing Beardies to Netteds, then someone mentioned Ackie Monitors which I rather like the look off too.

I'm looking for a diurnal animal I can look at, and watch move around (it doesn't have to race around), and won't mind me handling it.
I have enough space for a 1170mm long enclosure.

So which species best sorta meets that, and what are the pros and cons of each species in line with what I've said?
Im a beardie man to be honest..
Great to have, fairly easy to look after, can grow very affectionate to you, and both of mine love being handled.
Never really interested in netted dragons and dont know much about them to be honest.
Ackies, ive been doing a bit of research on lately, and they seem to be fantastic!
Always around hunting for food, expecially when they have warmed up, and i belive are just as easy to lool after like beardies.

Not to sure how they go at being handled, hopefully someone who actualy owns them will have more input.

Maybe just go for the one that you like the look of best?
Do you have an prefrences?
Thanks for your thoughts.

I've heard those things about Beardies. Are they as lazy as some people say or do they move around a bit?

I think all three species have their merits, but I think Beardies and Ackies look the nicest (I like the Beardies spikes and the businessy look of the Ackies).
Thanks for your thoughts.

I've heard those things about Beardies. Are they as lazy as some people say or do they move around a bit?

I think all three species have their merits, but I think Beardies and Ackies look the nicest (I like the Beardies spikes and the businessy look of the Ackies).

Younger beardies are a blast to watch - seeing them chase and leap for crickets is great entertainment! As they mature they do slow down a fair bit... but they are great to 'cuddle' and really do enjoy being out and about.
By the time they've grown and mellowed out a bit though you'll be thankful... as great as it is to watch a fast juvie dragon it can make handling trickier at times and you'll welcome the change in attitude!
ok I've said before and I'll say it again (I'm sure you are all bored of bragging about ackies) but ackies are the best not only are they active but if you have the time to raise them can become tame mine are realy tame right now just simply because I had time to gently hold them and now really tame
so I would go ackie, also the dimensions of the cage you gave above are perfect
My male, just on 12 months now.. Lazy as all hell lol
He will barely run down roaches, and just wait for them to come past him, lol.
VERY tame though, snuggles up to me everynight before bed..

My female on the other hand is psycho!
Thanks a lot guys.

I'd definitely like an Ackie only issues that come to mind are how much more expensive I've heard they are and how much more it'll cost to feed one compared to a Beardie.
If you get in quick, snake_freak has I think 4 left at the moment for real cheap. Check in the for sale section.
If you get in quick, snake_freak has I think 4 left at the moment for real cheap. Check in the for sale section.
Well even providing it with a small box while working to quickly build it's viv how would I be able to get it back to Victoria? I'm not sure a Monitor would cope with being air transit freight, you know?
They get shipped with AAE, like every other herp. They don't mind at all.

Ackies really are the way to go.. they are so much busier and more active than dragons, and actively hunt down their food not just wait for it to walk past their noses. It doesn't cost any more to feed them than a dragon (though they don't eat veggies like beardies, they eat 100% animal diet - mine are on roaches with the occasional pinky). No matter what you decide on I would suggest setting up a colony of roaches so you don't ever have to pay $7.00 a tub again. One of mine is quite tame and handleable and the other is skittish and shy. They require a much hotter spot than beardies (under my basking light in the hotspot it gets to 65-70 degrees)

Any other info needed just ask
i have both netteds and ackies, they are great animals and i am sure you will like whichever you get. They both require simular setups, with the main differences being ackies can handle hotter basking sites and a retes stack is essential. As philk said if you get a few, start up a colony of woodies. Netteds eat a great deal less woodies with the occassional green. Netteds can be handled no problems but due to their small nature are more of an enclosure animal where ackies are easier as they are alot larger. They both have querkie attributes, the netteds head bob, arm wave and chase each other where as ackies are just an awsome prehistoric looking and interesting animal that smashes its food. A beardie is a log with a mouth and eyes that poops but are an animal that can take as much handling as you can give it,
They get shipped with AAE, like every other herp. They don't mind at all.

Ackies really are the way to go.. they are so much busier and more active than dragons, and actively hunt down their food not just wait for it to walk past their noses. It doesn't cost any more to feed them than a dragon (though they don't eat veggies like beardies, they eat 100% animal diet - mine are on roaches with the occasional pinky). No matter what you decide on I would suggest setting up a colony of roaches so you don't ever have to pay $7.00 a tub again. One of mine is quite tame and handleable and the other is skittish and shy. They require a much hotter spot than beardies (under my basking light in the hotspot it gets to 65-70 degrees)

Any other info needed just ask

Okay sounds good, really hope I can get myself an Ackie.

As far as colonies (would have to be crickets, dad's not comfy with the concept of roaches) go;
How do you set them up, what sorta running costs are you look at and if I only have say 1 Ackie am I gonna quickly have too many?
also do alot a research don't just think you know everything you need to know otherwise you will end up with problems down the end of the road.
well you want a tempature gradient basking temps from 50-65 is about what you want (prefurably 60)
and the cool end can be about 30 but lower is fine the basking temps can be achieved by a tile or slate stack they like it hot!
hope this helps
well you want a tempature gradient basking temps from 50-65 is about what you want (prefurably 60)
and the cool end can be about 30 but lower is fine the basking temps can be achieved by a tile or slate stack they like it hot!
hope this helps
Okay thanks.

Have seen a lot about what they need for basking but not much on ambient, I know they behave slightly different to most lizards (and their home range gets fairly cool at night) but figured they had to have some base-level needs.

Any examples of tile/slate stacks?
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