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Active Member
Oct 21, 2008
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south east queensland
I found this little fella a few days ago in an upside down nest in my yard, a friend gave me special food for it, which resembles baby rice cereal,but I really don't know what I am doing, and unfortunately my friend works full time and can not take care of it.I also work full time . I have been keeping it in a shoe box, still in the nest with a heat pack underneath. It seems happy, making tiny chirping squeaky noises, and it is fairly active. I don't want to get flamed for doing the wrong thing which is why I am posting this thread, does anyone know of any wildlife carers in the rochedale area who would be willing to help this poor little baby out?? IMG_0440_2922.jpg
eaither a native noisy miner or the introduced indian myna. i dont know anything about birds but those two have yellow beaks.

Take it to your local Vet, they'll have a better chance than anyone

If it looks like the pic Marina posted, it is a native noisy miner, adults eat nectar & insects.
The introduced vermin (indian mynah) are brown & black.

If it's the former, the chick is worth taking to a vet or calling a local carer (like WIRES or whatever you have in Qld).
well the vet wont take it as it is not injured and the list of carers they gave me all said it is a feral pest and are to inundated with natives to take it off my hands.. :|
ohwell if they ID'd it as an indian myna, you could always feed it to something.
lol when i was 9 i found a baby indian miner that had come out its nest. i tried to same it by feeding it some ham... it choked and died,
lol when i was 9 i found a baby indian miner that had come out its nest. i tried to same it by feeding it some ham... it choked and died,
haha Mama Cass (allegedly) haha
Yeah if it's an indian mynah, I'd be euthing it or as donks suggested.
I have already named it, Igor.. So I couldn't possibly bring myself to do such a thing!!! :cry: Guess I will keep trying to find a home for it/him/she??.
I used to Volunteer with Wildcare. It's a Noisy Minor. This is what to do with the bird. This should work if the other adult birds are still hanging around in your garden. They should be looking for the baby bird. If the adults aren't around and it doesn't get fed then it will die. You Can also make a paste of mashed crickets or cockies to feed it. Otherwise call Wildcare hotline to find a carer. 5527 2444

Baby Bird.jpg
Sounds like it happened naturally without human intervention. Let nature take its course, it will be a good feed for any of the native carnivores in your area.
if only i lived where you are id take it as i do lots fo birds. just a little tip before fedding it always make sure its crop is empty ( check its neck and make sure you cant see any food that is still sitting there from last feed) other wise they can get sour crop and end up dying. always make sure that the bird is warm enough before feeding it. its not good to feed a bird that isnt warm enough can end up dying. good luck if you need any more help just email me. if you can get some polyaid from a petstore or vet that will give it a better chance of survival i use it for all my orphaned or injured animals. mix it with boiled water and make sure its not to hot before feeding it to the bird.
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