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Out of curiousity, do those of you that have had shed issues use a vision (slitherin) hatchy rack?

Mine are in sistema tubs. 2 jungle not shed. one has eaten once the other not eaten yet.
2 jungles at 3 weeks without shedding,misted daily, sistema tubs, there seems to be a few of us Fay...
The one that went 7.5 weeks was initially in a larger tub, but moved to a sistema like the rest when it was late to shed. Kept on absorbent paper towel, twice daily misting, etc. He looks very nice now that I have gotten the retained shed off and seems to have a bit of dorsal stripe. We will see how he feels about food tonight after dark. At 3 weeks I would not be remotely worried yet. Mine that went for a month before the initial shed is feeding strongly and doing well.
Funny, I had buggar all shedding issues till I started using the vision rack. I used to use systema tubs till I ran out of room. I find that the vision racks disperses humidity quite rapidly to the point I had to virtually flood each tub to ensure the animals shed. Now, I just leave them in the incubator until they shed and then move them to their individual tubs. Haven't had a slough problem since.
im just using the systema tubs also and so you all know two hatchlings that did not shed died last night ill see how the other 4 go?
So sorry to hear that spotlight. I hope the others get going for you. Most of mine have been voracious feeders - especially the albs. The non-shedder was offered a pinkie every week, with no results, although more recently I have tried fuzzies, too. I also tried braining a pinkie and leaving it overnight with no luck. I hope he will eat now that he has shed. The others are certainly looking for a meal and got very excited when I approached the click clacks last night.
its a real worry that so many are having the same trouble this year and its not like the weather has been dry due to the rain and the floods hanging around, i hope next season is much better?
You could be on to something Hugsta! We also keep them in the incubator until they shed, they go into the vision rack after that. Some of them still don't shed though!
You could be on to something Hugsta! We also keep them in the incubator until they shed, they go into the vision rack after that. Some of them still don't shed though!

As with anything, there is always exceptions to the rule.
I'm having the same issue. 1 BHP that came out of the egg very early and didn't absorb all of the yolk and hasn't shed. Also from one of my jungle clutches, 4 have not shed as yet. The other clutch have all shed fine. My Darwin clutch all shed ok too.
Well, last night 2 of the diamond hatchies ate, but still have not shed. It is certainly a strange year.It also ate a fuzzy mouse.
It is soaking in the water now, so maybe it will shed soon. Ummm better put a bigger water bowl in for the little guy.


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Both of my jungles still have not shed yet :(

One of them has now eaten a pinky mouse, the other night he also ate a fuzzy mouse.

The other one still has not shed :(
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