Police Warning - This is not a joke,This is a true story

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My Aunty lived in Uganda with my 2 young cousins for a while while my uncle was working over there. She told me that people over there have been known to use chemically soaked maps to incapacitate victims. They pretend to need help with directions and once you hold on to the map for a while and touch it, you loose consciousness. Dangerous stuff.

CRAZY STORY: My Aunty left Uganda because people paid off her guards, drugged her security dogs and broke into her house and cut off the electricity before stealing heaps of stuff! They stole stuff from in their bedrooms whilst they slept. In similar crimes in the area, people who awoke during a robbery were murdered. My Aunty woke up after they must have left because one of her dogs came into her room and was vomiting. She went into the boys' room and they found a torch but there was a plague of some kind of huge insect that flooded to the light when it was on. They hid in the dark and called the police from her mobile. The police said they would only agree to come if they paid them a large amount of money for petrol. At the time the police had been undergoing training in forensics (taught by Americans) and they wanted to dust everything for fingerprints. They went into the roof to dust for prints and walked over my Auntie's bedroom and the ceiling caved in! It was full of dead bats and insects. My family left Uganda 2 weeks later lol.
I always have a dilemma with these sorts of things. How should I feel about the person posting it (or generally passing it on)? Sorry for them because they have been duped. Yet impressed by their willingness to do the right thing and stand up and be counted. OR Annoyed that they have the temerity to deliberately forward a hoax, which has the potential to affect hundreds if passed on as suggested. Not everyone is discerning enough to see trhough it. It has the capacity to make young women feel even more vulnerable, uncomfortable and cautious in virtually any social situation. Alternatively, to waste valuable police time answering queries on bogus claims instead of tending to the more urgent issues of policing. You can call me old fashioned, boring, a dag, a party pooper, crusty, or whatever – but I see nothing funny whatsoever with this sort of hoax. There is nothing clever about. Any idiot could start one. And I am at a total loss to see where the humour comes in. I shall hop of the soapbox now. Blue
Sorry Blue I thought I was doing a good deed passing on this info,but maybe the boy in blue that gave me this info might be giving me payback for my workplace shenanigans....I like pranks,laughs,hoaxs whatever but not if its serious and could affect someone in a real way
Sorry Blue I thought I was doing a good deed passing on this info,but maybe the boy in blue that gave me this info might be giving me payback for my workplace shenanigans....I like pranks,laughs,hoaxs whatever but not if its serious and could affect someone in a real way
I am pleased to note which side of the line you fall. You have my respect.

If anyone should apologise, it should be me. I said that “There is nothing clever about it. Any idiot can start one.” I was trying to make the point that it was not clever humour. However, I recognise what I said was actually wrong… there is no excuse and I apologise unreservedly. Some, if not many of these hoaxes, are quite sophisticated. For what they do is to use the truth about something and then twist it just enough so that it still appears to have credence. Unless you are particularly well versed in the area or a cynic by nature, you have to do more than just superficial research to reveal the truth. The other issue is, of course, that all you read on the net is not necessarily accurate and you can easily be mislead by accessing the wrong sites.

As for being set by someone whose knowledge in the area is greater than yours. It happens often and in a variety of contexts. You can give him a bit of his own back – see below. What you do need to do is spell out to him is that anything he tells you from now on will be taken with a grain of salt. You will not believe it until you have been able to verify it from another source. If he is a good mate, he will realise the damage done to the relationship and give you a guarantee it won’t happen again.

Tit for tat…
Say you have received 52 emails to date from women who want to know more or think they may have been affected. And that’s only in three days. You are therefore going to give them his email address because you can’t deal with the enquires. And then remain “out of contact” for a week, just to let him stew.


That was me :) I like the hoaxes where nobody gets hurt. You're right about some people not being discerning enough to realise some things are hoaxes. My cousin once got an email saying there was a virus on her computer and that she needed to delete everything on her system... which she did. Unfortunately there are quite a few gullible people around, some I feel sorry for, and some I'm very frustrated by, especially those who always believe rumours about people without question.

I am not very happy with you Tahlia!

Do you know how much time I wasted watching those You Tube videos???

The best one - the Farting Bear. Now that definitely had a loosening effect on my bladder. A classic!!!

Thanks for the link. I had a ball. Even if I did "over indulge". It's been a while since I have had the proverbial belly laugh.

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so, I have this bridge for sale, it's a once in a life time opportunity! act now! I may even throw in a set of steak knives!@

when will people stop being so gullible and not checking google or other possible fact sources before posting silly things?
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That's right roocharge - I check all my fact souses before I post silly things...

The road to ruin can often be paved with the best intentions...

And look at the love in this thread too - Bluetongue1 and deadpan both kissed and made up without the need for date rape drugs - it's a beautiful day anywhere in the world... And I still have both my kidneys by choice!
I'm working on a business card that gives the recipient the urge to deposit large sums of money into my bank account.
It's not quite there yet, though :(
I am not very happy with you Tahlia!

Do you know how much time I wasted watching those You Tube videos???

The best one - the Farting Bear. Now that definitely had a loosening effect on my bladder. A classic!!!

Thanks for the link. I had a ball. Even if I did "over indulge". It's been a while since I have had the proverbial belly laugh.


Lol, I'm glad I gave you a laugh, we need lots of laughter in this spastic world.
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