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Miss B, do you think it's peer group pressure that encourages young people to drink? Never touched a drop of alcohol until I was in my late 20s and have never smoked.. and that's with a mother that smokes like a chimney and drinks a bottle of whiskey a night... I never saw the glamorous side ..
I think Forensick & Chris-Cool should hook-up.
Spilota, I'm like you in that sense. My mum and brother smoke like a chimney, my mum, dad and brother are all alcoholics and my dad and brother do drugs. I've grown up in that environment and have seen the outcome so I refuse to get drunk or touch any smoking object. I don't want to turn out like them. They're deadbeats.
Miss B, do you think it's peer group pressure that encourages young people to drink? Never touched a drop of alcohol until I was in my late 20s and have never smoked.. and that's with a mother that smokes like a chimney and drinks a bottle of whiskey a night... I never saw the glamorous side ..
You didn't ask me but I'll put my two cents in anyway :p, I think that's a big part of it, I didn't drink til I was about 17 because none of my group of friends did - I'm sure a lot of the other kids in school were drinking years earlier, because that's what their 'group' did.
Can't understand the lure of alcohol. Sure I like a beer on a warm day but I can't see why you would drink to impress your friends.. I chose sport in lieu of drugs and alcohol. I think it was a good choice :)
yeh that first pic when i was drunk was taken when i was like 14 or 15teen,iv had alot of problems in my life,i have been an alco for a few yrs so i have been told so yeh lol
Miss B, do you think it's peer group pressure that encourages young people to drink? Never touched a drop of alcohol until I was in my late 20s and have never smoked.. and that's with a mother that smokes like a chimney and drinks a bottle of whiskey a night... I never saw the glamorous side ..

Yeah I think it probably is mostly peer pressure. But then there is drinking and there is drinking, if you know what I mean?

My friends and I went to parties, had a great time, danced, drank perhaps a bit too much and got a little silly. We never dressed like skanks (I can't stand the white-trash-skanky-Supre look, personally) and we all had steady boyfriends right throughout high school so we were well-behaved on that front, if you catch my drift.

Then there are girls who dress like total tarts, drink themselves into a stupor and do waaaay more with guys that they should be doing at that age, and that's kinda gross. I also hate smoking, can't stand it one little bit and chicks who smoke to look cool are idiots.
You'll get over it Reptile Girl... No need to justify your actions to us, we like you just the way your are:) You should get a pair of new socks though ... lol... (look at your pic and you'll see what I mean)...
You'll get over it Reptile Girl... No need to justify your actions to us, we like you just the way your are:) You should get a pair of new socks though ... lol... (look at your pic and you'll see what I mean)...
na they were new but one that nite i was running around everywere with just socks so the holes formed lol
No Jordan I wasn't talking about you! Sorry if it came across that way. I was talking about girls in my high school ... total trash bags. It was in response to spilota's question, not your pic!
Hahaha. Here is my before and after pic. Top photo is me on New years, bottom is me when I was 13-14 (can't remember, i might have been 2003). It's hilarious and my best friend was rolling on the ground laughing when I showed her and she didn't believe it was me. I was such a little fatty.

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